Saturday, April 25, 2015

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

My Turn

By owning my results...
I am taking responsibility for my life
and where I AM now!
There is potential power in that...
I can change my habits! 
Now I must do what ever I need to do...
and be on my way!
it is My Turn!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I loving accept my past... 
no regrets... 
I AM excitied in my present...
I love my life...
I have faith and confidence in my future!
I will laugh, love, live and work my butt off!
Taking action and NO B.S excuses heart emoticon from self!

Monday, April 20, 2015

It is Monday

It is Monday...
I woke up... I AM Happy
Thank You... Universe I AM Grateful
I AM ready, able and willing  to do 
what-ever-it-takes... to accomplish my goals!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I Always Have a Choice

I do not have to bash what I do not like or understand...
I do not have to accept what I AM not okay with...
I AM 'Okay' with that 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

I AM Successful

Listening to Dareen Hardy's ... DarrensDaily, I got such a beautiful lesson, experiencing a rush of goodness, smiling and immediately felt  passionate about my life! Feeling a strong desire to move forward, to work harder, to be more, to give more.
His talk today was... Think Back Thursday... I listened several times... when my brain hears something that responses within me, I immediately visualize... it is beneficial to me to listen multiple times! I am paraphrasing here...He says, think back about the start-ups years and struggles you had... how hard you work for little progress! Often to be trumped by failure again! Being successful often can make us lazy...Nothing fails like success...another word for success is comfortable. Although success is inspirational, failure can be more inspirational... because you do not want to go there  again ever!
Suggesting following steps 1-2-3...
1. Write down five most difficult experiences you had thus far on your journey. ( I thought life)
2. Write down five behaviors, habits and attitude that helped you persevere through it!
3. Make sure you are still performing them.
Here is where I said I GET IT!
Knowing  positively; I have five children... I was blessed and chose to be a stay at home mom, I like to say it was always easy and a dream life, but it wasn't, I will say was Always worth it! All five children are now a productive member of society, a good person, giving back in a way that resonates with them! I felt surges of success... passionate about a purpose that served me, I gained insight from the experiences. I was a success in my career of choice! In the not too distant past I was 'house-less' not 'home-less'... my children all offered me place to live; friends and extended family offered me the same, short-term or long term no difference! I was humbled and honored by the true and genuine love I was receiving... I know my purpose is connection and love for others... I have had failures, divorce, arguments, relationships that ended. I believe if applying 1-2-3 some would have ended earlier... and some would have grown even more successful! Giving me a sense of ownership for my own actions!
He added No one ever owns success you only rent it and rent has to be paid every day!
My children, my family, my friends and acquitnicences are my proof that habits, behavior and attitudes are indeed are on my path of success! 
Whatever you are doing ... do it with passion, love and the best way you know how... and it will always serve you well! Thank You Darren Hardy... if you are not signed up for Darrens Daily messages... I suggest you do... He is a great mentor!

Monday, April 6, 2015

One More Reason I AM Grateful

One more reason I AM grateful for Facebook... every-day I am reminded of how truly amazing people are. Easter morning I made a connection with a like-minded person in Australia, we both belong to a master-mind group! I mentioned I had freinds and my Grandfather whom I had never met was from Austrialia. 
Her offer to me... 'She would go to my Grandfather, and share my Facebook profile with him, or set up a skype call, so I could meet him. I was warmed by her generous and thoughtful offer... coming from someone I knew for only a few minutes! I explained my grandfather died before I was born. However, this act of kindness I will remember forever... I look forward to a new friendship that was formed on Easter 2015... Thank You Universe ... 
Today is my Mom's Birthday she would of been 80...

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Addicted to Activity?

Ahhhh I can personally understand this...
I claim...
my past does not determine my future...
A mentor (Auhtor of thsi photo)wisely shared his wisdom... 
Especially if you don't repeat the present!

ahhh simple steps (not to be confuded with easy) to change