My son Kristofer, called me and starts off the conversation with
"Do you feel blessed or lucky to have only problems that more money could solve?"
At first I said YES... without thinking... Then when I started thinking... I realized that question/statement was of value... Every single problem that I currently have could actually be eliminated solved or improved by "more money" and most of the people I know would have to agree...
We (Jim & denise) had attened a informational meeting. This organization helps Veterans and their families. In the meetings were people of all ages, and all walks of life... they all had one thing in common... A heart beat and a desire to "make a difference" A common quote that was shared many times in the meeting was..."The reason we are "F*r*e*e" is because of the Brave!!!"
The Life Bio's of men, women and children who's lives have been changed...Touched each and every person in that room...some on a personal level...
We realized that when one person serves our country... one persons leaves... yet everyone one live is touched... mom, dad, spouse, children,sibling, aunt, uncle, cousin, friend, and strangers who can have the freedom...
Jim and I made a commitment to give at least 10% of every dollar we earn to different charities. No matter how tight things get we donate... and it is unbelievable how it comes back to us in ten folds...
When we give it always feels so good it almost seems as if we get for giving...
When Jim heard about Brave Aid.Org and Operation Warrior Support.US , he felt guided and lead to this cause... Being an educated man in the business world he did hours of due diligence ... giving it a thumbs up... he began to share this with friends ... they are equally as excited and to give... By donating 20.00 twenty dollars a month you can make a difference in LIVES.... and you have the FREEDOM to decide if you would like to earn as you give...
This is such a unique organization that we (Jim and denise) have decided that we are going to sponsor veterans.. 1 at a time... pay for them to get enrolled ... and when they begin to earn... sponsor another...
Brandon Williams ,Ron Begin and Glenn "W" Tunner, have come together to share this with ALL who will listen... This is a worthy cause and everyone benefits... a win win win ... if you have any questions or concerns please call Jim @ 386.235.6864 or email Jim@jimdenise.com
Jim & denise
Harmonic Path