Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Father Told Me Often

♥ My Father told me many times
♥ what he wished for his children...
♥was to feel and know they were truly loved by another
♥Loving someone is makes yoU feel GoOD!!!
♥Feeling truly loved by someone...not as easy... yet it also feels so GoOD!!!
♥His wish came true for me♥

♥I have children who have children ♥
♥this is the wish I wish for them♥

♥I wish this for ALL ♥

Loving others~

♥yoU may get hurt~
♥they may not love yoU back~
♥they may laugh at yoU~
♥They may deceive yoU~
♥They may use yoU~
♥They may not have deserving qualities~
♥ Love them anyway♥

♥Giving is GoOD it starts the chain of receiving ♥

♥ GOD is Life and Life is GoOD ♥

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