While driving home with a friend of mine, we stopped for gas! While waiting for an open pump, she asked me to wait in the car when she goes in to pay, allowing her to leave her purse in the car. Agreeing and explaining that I will get out and place the nozzle in the gas tank as I do I see 2 shiny pennies... Heads up! ... Woohooo!!! bending down to pick them up, I say Thank You for the great find... thinking one for me and one for my friend.
Before my friend returns a blue van pulls in to use the pump in front of us, a lady gets out she is also going insdie to pay, we make eye contact and share a quick smile. As soon as the tank is full, my friend gets in the car starts the engine when all of a sudden the lady from the blue van is knocking at the passenger window... my window...it was half way opened. She says excuse me but I am compelled to tell you something. As we listen she asked if I knew who Bret Butler? Answering honestly, I did not ... she said I look like her, not knowing if this was a good thing or a great thing : ) I said thank you... She said she was an actress from Grace Under Fire, a TV program 'You Must Google her and read her story', my friend was not too sure about this moment I could sense her guard was up. Then the woman opened the car door stooped down and continued talking for another 5 or 6 minutes... telling us about herself, asking us to guess her ethic background...telling us a quick version of her life ending it with how she felt compelled to speak to me, not knowing why she just knew she had to. She asked if she could give us a hug then she would be on her way. Smiling and agreeing she hugged my friend and myself thanking us for listening... as she closed the car door I asked her name ... she said "Thank You, my name is Wendy" with a big smile she strutted away to pump her gas. My friend turns and looks at me while driving away saying..."You really are a magnetic, this never happens to me unless I am with you... you attract others where you go, from now on I am not taking you anywhere ... ever again!" We laughed until it hurt!
Thinking how human interactions can be really truly amazing. Later that evening I shared the story with Jim. He smiles and asks did you tell her to get use to it?... reminding me of other times when this happened.
I believe in goodness... and I share smiles... receive hugs...listen to funny, sad and happy stories from strangers, some become friends, others become a story to smile or even laugh about...
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