Friday, June 8, 2012

You Have Power In Your Thoughts

There is power in thought !
When you want something ...
Repeating it over and over implants in your subconscious a desire 
and your subconscious must go to work and manifest into your reality. 
Affirm what you want in 'present terms' ...
this adds energy to what ever it is you desire 
Believe and repeat your 'positive' present statements often.
The mind has more than 50,000 thoughts a day.
You can direct some of these to a specific goal ...
What you think about you shall bring about...
Thoughts become Things...
If you see it in your mind you shall hold it in your hands...
As you think it you shall become it...
We dream all night what we think about all day...

There is power in thought... Believe and take action... 

We love to hear from you and what your affirmations are 
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