My father encouraged me think for myself
Not to do things just because everyone else did
Not to do things just because someone told me to
To listen to others, then make my own choices...
We would play a game called 'what if'
One of the 'What if's'
'What if' you are traveling on a road with your friends and
you came to a fork in the road half your friends go right and half go left... would you?
1. Go right? or
2. Go left?
Thinking out loud ...
1. Go right?
2. Go left?
3. Go back?
3. Go nowhere making it the end of the road ?
4. Go a new way making your own road? Leaving a trail for others!
Be a good listener and a self thinker that takes action...
Thank You Daddy
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1 comment:
Insecure times unfortunately cause more people follow other ones or "follow the already proven path" instead of trying new and other ways although it would be so important...
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