Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Good Leaders Listen

During a discussion with a self proclaimed leader we realized the person was actually Lecturing us and lacked the the Skill of Listening. Repeatedly commenting on their accomplishments and never once asked our 'Whys, Whats, Our Interests or Back Grounds'. When we did get a few words in it seemed as if it was repeated back to us, only to 'toot' their own horn again by explain 'how' they had a similar experience only one of more importance or value. I started to think about other leaders we knew, how many were actually more of a 'Speaker' than a Leader!

 'Leaders create leaders not followers'

We have attended many seminars and lectures, where the speaker or speakers lecture to many. We always received value some times more than others yet always something of value. No matter how exciting the  subject was at some point everyone drifts away... it is human nature! This could be a reason why interaction is often encouraged and scheduled breaks are taken.

There are many coaching and mentoring programs available. There are even courses you can take and become  'certified'. We are not criticizing speakers we are saying there is a difference! We are selves are guilty for talking more than listening.

Question... Do you learn more when you are talking or listening?
Answer... You learn the most when you are engaging in conversation.

Speakers are often entertainers ... a much needed and appreciated form of talent!
Often speakers, coaches or mentors tell you what to do in order to reach a desired outcome!
Leaders do not tell you what to think...they guide and encourage you to think!

You have one Mouth and two Ears for a reason!

Lessons we received from this is...
We know what we know ... We are passionate and want to share it with others!
A way to grow and learn more is to listen more!

1 comment:

The Happi Collective said...

Sometimes the most powerful thing you can do is listen. Truly listening to the words and expression of another human is such a simple thing, yet one of the hardest things to do - thanks for the reminder