Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Birthday.. The 1st Word is Happy Right?

Happy Birthday!!! The 1st word is Happy... right?
With another birthday recently passing...
I took notice of how many people not only complain about getting 'old'
But how many 'young people' complain about their 'old age'...
Young adults almost 40!
Younger adults almost 30!

Just ask a child how old they are...
They get excited about the age they are NOW,  
and the age they will be their next birthday!

Does this excitement have to change?
For me at least there is every reason to celebrate 
Aging is a gift... not given to everyone!

Oh it is easy to be happy when you are a child, 
you have your health!
Not always the case! 

When you are a kid, you do not have any responsibilities!
You also do not  have all the freedoms that an adult has!

I believe we create our mindset!
If you believe, you are old, you are...
no matter what age you are!
If you believe, you are young, you are...
no matter what age you are!

It seems as if some have decided that the best years are behind them!

It is really a matter of choice!

I choose to celebrate every year of my earth walk...

welcoming the changes that come with the gift!

Sure we change... how boring would life be if everything stayed the same?

Just my mindset!


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Duck Tape Moment!

Sometimes the same words have completely different meaning...
it all depends how you view it... Be open and flexible and you will have more FUN!

My 7 year old grandson is always inventing, experimenting, proving or busting myths and taught practices... I love his curiosity and how his mind is constantly living in the moment! I welcome and encourage his regular invitations to 'try' this and 'try' that!

Lets make a duck tape wallet... he says with a complete vision of exactly what it will look like... in his mind! Explaining to him we need to start with a paper wallet then cover it with duck tape...This is was not in his 'plan' ... after I tell him it is just a pattern he agrees... wella... a duck tape wallet... perfect and complete! He immediately smiles and has another idea, "Lets make a paper gun and cover it with duck tape!" I tell him, it would be non functional... he tells me, "I know... I want to hang it on the wall!"  I agree and say, ok, then after this no more for now, duck tape is about $8.00 a roll and we may need it for other things. In his completely confident and knowing voice says, "Really, WOW... only $8.00 and we used some already before we made a wallet, and a gun, and have all this left for other things, wow duck tape is an amazing deal... very inexpensive... only $8.00, WOW now that is a good deal!"
I said yes it is... yes it is ! 
Thank You... my grandson for re-enlightening me, reminding me to think about side of the box, reminding me that life is suppose to be about having fun! 

Yes I said duck tape... and not duct tape... it is what we call it 
Fascinating facts about the invention of Duct Tape by Johnson & Johnson Co. in 1942. DUCT TAPE
Adhesive tape (specifically masking tape) was invented in the 1920's by Richard Drew of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, Co. (3M). Duct tape (the WWII military version) was first created and manufactured in 1942 (approximate date) by the Johnson and Johnson Permacel Division. Its closest predecessor was medical tape.
The original use was to keep moisture out of the ammunition cases. Because it was waterproof, people referred to the tape as "Duck Tape." Also, the tape was made using cotton duck - similar to what was used in their cloth medical tapes. Military personnel quickly discovered that the tape was very versatile and used it to fix their guns, jeeps, aircraft, etc. After the war, the tape was used in the booming housing industry to connect heating and air conditioning duct work together.
Soon, the color was changed from Army green to silver to match the ductwork and people started to refer to duck tape as "Duct Tape." Things changed during the 1970s, when the partners at Manco, Inc. placed rolls of duct tape in shrink wrap, making it easier for retailers to stack the sticky rolls. Different grades and colors of duct tape weren´t far behind. Soon, duct tape became the most versatile tool in the household. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Learning How to Think not What to Think


Learning How to Think not What to Think
As a child I was told by my father there was no such thing as a stupid question...
He later would shake his head.. smile or laugh.... because I asked about everything...
I earned the name of his 'why' child!

This belief I carried into my school years. My teachers were not as open minded as my father!
An example was during religious class I questioned what the teacher/nun was teaching... she told me in front of the entire class that I was disrespectful and I was to stay after class. After class she did not answer my question repeating that I was disrespectful and a bad girl which was the same as a sinner.

I did not understand, if I did not understand something I could not question it!

This happened a lot in my religious education. I remember being taught about  'confession' being told what to say...question... what if I felt I had not done anything to be forgiven for...  that was not acceptable. So I thought... and came up with the make something up... yep, I was going to tell a lie and the following week I have something to confess...(that I lied at confession)... How silly ...  another question... why did  I have to go to confession, could I just ask God forgiveness myself. After a look of shear frustration and shock on the teachers/nuns face, I was told that was a sin to even think like that.

Can you imagine the questions I had when they taught...' if you think it you are as guilty as doing it!' prompting... 'if I think good things do I credit' ... Hummm I was not what they would call a model student.

I don't know when I discovered that the whole world was not of the same religious belief, but it was enlightening to me. I was invited by neighbors to go to churches of different beliefs doing activities, this was very enlightening to me. I did not understand if there is only one God... then why did some preach any belief different was wrong!

Thank goodness for my granny... she would tell me that all religious rules were made man ... That God wanted us to love each other not judge each other and certainly not hurt each other in anyway physically or verbally ! Her father was a Baptist minister, she would often share stories of how 'people of the cloth' were just people!

I am not a religious person... I respect those who are!
I AM a spiritual believer... by choice learning How to think not What to think!