Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Birthday.. The 1st Word is Happy Right?

Happy Birthday!!! The 1st word is Happy... right?
With another birthday recently passing...
I took notice of how many people not only complain about getting 'old'
But how many 'young people' complain about their 'old age'...
Young adults almost 40!
Younger adults almost 30!

Just ask a child how old they are...
They get excited about the age they are NOW,  
and the age they will be their next birthday!

Does this excitement have to change?
For me at least there is every reason to celebrate 
Aging is a gift... not given to everyone!

Oh it is easy to be happy when you are a child, 
you have your health!
Not always the case! 

When you are a kid, you do not have any responsibilities!
You also do not  have all the freedoms that an adult has!

I believe we create our mindset!
If you believe, you are old, you are...
no matter what age you are!
If you believe, you are young, you are...
no matter what age you are!

It seems as if some have decided that the best years are behind them!

It is really a matter of choice!

I choose to celebrate every year of my earth walk...

welcoming the changes that come with the gift!

Sure we change... how boring would life be if everything stayed the same?

Just my mindset!


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