Thursday, October 31, 2013

Keep Adding to Your Dictionary

What does it mean to disprove something? 
The dictionary definition... to disprove to be false or wrong.

What does it mean to be impossible? 
The dictionary definition ... unable to be done or happen: not possible.
What is History?
The dictionary definition ... The study of past events.

When it comes to something not seen or heard of.
When we add the word 'Yet"
The word Yet... dictionary definition... until now: so far.
It changes all possibilities.

Unable to be done or happen YET: not possible YET!

History disproves how very false impossible really is.

example... I-phones
I remember being told 10 years ago 
that in the near future a person would be able 
have a hand held phone that could everything 
a computer could do. That we would be able 
to run a business from anywhere the world from our phone.
At that time cell phones were a pricey item and 
so was the air time. 
NOW, I have an I-phone and the cost was *free*
and our cell phone monthly bill is less than it was 10 years ago.

Going to the moon
Flat screen televisions
and that is just technology history.

Ultra sounds and surgery on an unborn child, 
Transplants and artificial body parts... Dick Cheney comes to mind.
The list goes on and on.

Keeping that in thought...

What in your history could you disprove...NOW?
What is it that you think is not possible...impossible?
the word impossible it self says I'm Possible !

Suggesting we keep rewriting our own dictionary
Newest definition of impossible is... not possible YET!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The View From With-In

When you are with people who think as you do,
there tends to be a agreeable and calm flow.

When you are with people who think differently than you do
there tends to be ripples and waves.

When you are with people who think differently than you
and try to change your thoughts, there tends to be crashing
waves, strong currents and storms.

Contrast and different view points are essential for growth.

Remaining open to others view points that are not the'same'
or do-not 'fit' in to your learned-definition can be challenging.

Arguing is a learned response,
not the same as standing for what you believe.

When we argue, we are speaking with a closed mind,
believing our way is the only 'right' way or the 'best' way.
Thinking that others just do-not 'see' it or 'get' it.
Closed minds can not grow, closed minds are the ego's friend.
When we stand for what we believe, we live our truth.

The next time you are invited to an argument,
remember it is your choice if you attend or not.
One way to gracefully decline a invitation

be open and 'just' listen. You may learn something.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It is not all about You

Remembering a conversation I had with my father.

My father would say...
it was not all about you!

We were going somewhere and I was going to be late!
I said, I do not want to go anymore...
everyone will look at me because I am late.
My father had a way to make you really think!

So you think you are that important... and
everyone will notice you are not there...?
So when you get there everyone will stop...
and notice you are late?
WOW, you are that special, huh?

At times he would look at me,
reminding me... it was not about you!

I asked him why some of my siblings
did not remember some of these 'moments'
His answer...
It is not about you or what you say... it is what others hear!

Monday, October 28, 2013

It is Halloween Right?

"It is Halloween right?"
asked the child dressed as a Banana,
as we were waiting to go into the candy patch
"It is the Fall Festival Dear" answered the parent.
"Do I have to say Trick or Treat?" ask the banana
"This is not trick or treating, it is the candy patch,
you get candy to celebrate the fall and make it fun!"
Another parent waiting answers their children saying
 "It is Halloween and it was trick or treating."
The looks on the parents faces were pretty scary 
and they had no masks on !
A few parents were talking about an approved list of costumes
for the students who will be celebrating 'fall' at school.
Apparently some costumes are considered to be offensive to others.
I thought ...
 imitation was the sincerest form of flattery
 Halloween was about about dressing up,
imagination, creativity, fun and of course the candy!
If I believe in Halloween, and others do not... that is OK
I can and others do not have to
If I like mashed potatoes and others do not... that is OK
I can and others do not have to
I choose to celebrate Halloween
I choose attend Fall Festivals
I choose to enjoy it ALL
How did something so simple get so complex?
What are your thoughts?