Thursday, October 31, 2013

Keep Adding to Your Dictionary

What does it mean to disprove something? 
The dictionary definition... to disprove to be false or wrong.

What does it mean to be impossible? 
The dictionary definition ... unable to be done or happen: not possible.
What is History?
The dictionary definition ... The study of past events.

When it comes to something not seen or heard of.
When we add the word 'Yet"
The word Yet... dictionary definition... until now: so far.
It changes all possibilities.

Unable to be done or happen YET: not possible YET!

History disproves how very false impossible really is.

example... I-phones
I remember being told 10 years ago 
that in the near future a person would be able 
have a hand held phone that could everything 
a computer could do. That we would be able 
to run a business from anywhere the world from our phone.
At that time cell phones were a pricey item and 
so was the air time. 
NOW, I have an I-phone and the cost was *free*
and our cell phone monthly bill is less than it was 10 years ago.

Going to the moon
Flat screen televisions
and that is just technology history.

Ultra sounds and surgery on an unborn child, 
Transplants and artificial body parts... Dick Cheney comes to mind.
The list goes on and on.

Keeping that in thought...

What in your history could you disprove...NOW?
What is it that you think is not possible...impossible?
the word impossible it self says I'm Possible !

Suggesting we keep rewriting our own dictionary
Newest definition of impossible is... not possible YET!

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