Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentines Day Food for Thought

Yesterday was Valentines Day ...
I compare Valentines Day to a meal...
Some are on a diet or skipping meals
others are having only appetizers or snacks
while some are having full meals!

This is a choice and 'should' all be good!

I read and heard many different takes on this one day ....
The day that is about 'hearts' and 'love' ....

Some say it is a man made holiday and they refuse to 'buy' into it!
Others said it is NOT a real holiday and they would not recognize it!

Grocery stores lines were extra long with people buying flowers and/or chocolates.
One stop shopping chains had to call for 'help' in the jewelry department.

Restaurants had waits... liquors stores were noticeably busier.

I received texts, emails and phone calls saying
'Happy Valentines' Day...
Jim surprised me with a lot of extra 'gifts'
My Grandson made me a bow with a flower
and said Happy Valentines Day to everyone we passed on our walk!

A day that is all about 'hearts' and 'love' is a good day with me

I do not need Valentines Day to say 'I Love You' to anyone...
Yet it is a nice reminder and an awesome, feel good sight to see some doing just that
Everyone is entitled to their own feelings about this day...

Please what-ever you choose...
Let others make their own choice... It is one day

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