Saturday, March 15, 2014

Friends List

I have several received messages... on facebook
asking me to 'like' a posting 'if' I want to stay friends
a few others saying they are 'cleaning' up their friends list
and if I do not see any posting from them ... I was deleted!

I myself invite any form of connecting with others...
I sometimes discover I do not agree or want to be in continuous
contact with someone else... so I do not engage!

Trying not to judge... I am reminded... we all think differently...
I did once de-friend someone... was because of content
I do not believe he even noticed...

So if you de-friend me... it is ok... If you be-friend me it is ok...
This is social media : ) I AM Grateful
I have been introduced to many new experiences and insights.

I appreciate being connected : ) Thank You...

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