Turn on the TV, radio, pick up a magazine, open an e-mail, talk to the banker, the store clerk, listen to conversation in a coffee shop it is everywhere. Everyone is talking or stressing over the world economy, wondering how they will manage. Waiting for " The worst it has ever been"
My heart goes out to these people as I listen to the fear. I have been afraid, as we all have. I have had utilities disconnected, home in foreclosure, faced bankruptcy, no health insurance, a single mother of 5 children to protect and care for and having no experience in the work force.
I also have no fear and a fruitful memories.
This made me think of the Law of Attraction...Do we truly attract what we think and act upon...DO we bring about what we think about? So what could I learn, read, hear, think and then share.... being more a positive than a negative.
So I began reading, asking, then listening. The media are constantly non stop with the negative prediction of the harder, tougher times ahead...
I want to share with you some of my findings...
Worrying and saving money is not as powerful in attracting more than when with a loving heart giving it away to what inspires you or what you are passionate about. This is the same with time, kind words, and smiles.
Planning for your retirement is not as powerful as living with a grateful heart enjoying today without forfeiting things NOW in hopes and plans for a "safe" planned out future that may never come. No one knows how many days we have left.
If you are going to buy, sell or trade stocks, real estate. coins, stamps etc ...understand they are not a sure investments. Make sure you educate yourself do not entrust your money to a stranger. Understand it is on paper or material object and does require constant action. A sure investment would be to invest in yourself and then take constant action on your ideas.
Money is not the root of evil... lack of money is ... Thinking and acting as if we have a lack of it will cause you to act from a mind set of scarcity. Even in difficult times some people are getting wealthy. Could it be they are acting and thinking from a different mind set. One of abundance and not what they media sells us. Warren Buffet says do the opposite of what others are doing. Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich... so together Think, DO and Grow Rich...
So when you spend money on practical things like food, shelter, clothing and education do not have an attachment to it just let it go, be grateful you have it to let go. There are people in this country, in this world who would love to be in your shoes. When you spend money on entertainment or other enjoyment, get excited enjoy what you money can buy.This will increase your happiness level and you will attract more abundance and energy .
When the media start wearing you down Look UP ... It is not lonely at the TOP it is just less crowded... You must believe to achieve... so what is it you believe...
always PUSH forward...
P pray
U until
S something
H happens
1 comment:
Hey gang, great stuff here. Lord knows we need some positive thinking but more importantly positive action these days. You are obviously doing both!
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