Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thoughts Shared with Our TEAM

Some thoughts shared with in our TEAM...

When you play it too safe, you are taking the biggest risk of your life...Time is the only wealth we are given equally.

"In these tough times we have two choices: to stand on the sidelines in fear, or get in the game and make a difference." Tony Robbins

"Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends."
— Walt Disney

In some cultures the entire community will come together to do a rain dance during times of a drought? That is the results of TEAM WORK, where every one is focusing on one outcome of achieving a goal.

We are we are now in times of drought, this economic drought is being called "recession" and even a "depression"

We have choices we can FEAR the drought or have FAITH and dance...
In times of drought we can sit on the side FOCUSED in FEAR or we can DANCE in FAITH...

So what do you say TEAM...

Jim Dupre and Denise Barone 386.235.6864

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