Friday, January 16, 2009

Thats just who you are:

Yesterday Denise and I had to run a few errands. We stopped and filled up with gas, hey what’s up, gas price up 13 cents in two days. I thought the price per barrel had drifted back down over the past few weeks. Anyways, second stop Costco, with a family of five we buy in bulk.

Last stop was the grocery store for some misc. items. As we entered the check outline Denise looked down and saw an envelope, she bent over picked it up and noticed it was filled with a large number of bills; a $50.00 was on top. Without hesitation she asked the clerk who was just here, he replied a lady with a red coat. Denise showed him the envelope and he reached for it as did two other store employees’ that over heard the brief conversation. They insisted they would” take care of it”.

At this point Denise declined the offer and immediately sprinted out the front door with one employee following closely behind. She spotted the lady with the red coat, of course she had parked in the last spot from the store, makes me wonder if that was some help from above. Had she parked closer, most likely she would have driven away before Denise was able to reach her.

Driving home we chatted about what had just occurred. She has tremendous instincts and believes and follows them. She said the three store employees were just too anxious to relieve her of the envelope with the cash. She said at that moment, she knew she would find the rightful owner and insure she got her cash back. Not to say the employees wouldn’t have, they did seem more interested in the cash than finding the red coated lady. We have no idea how much cash was in the envelope, doesn’t really matter. Denise estimated the ladies age in the mid 70’s. Most likely the cash was her monthly social security or retirement pension.

I looked at her, felt the thrill of gratitude, smiled and said “that’s just who you are”.


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