Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who is Dave, and why was he there?

We met with a friend of ours, it was Tuesday before her leadership role at our Meetup. She shared a recent true life experience with us. She was in NY City and found her self with more luggage than one person could possibly carry. She began to feel unsafe and envisioned being robbed. A man approached her, he had all the appearance of a homeless man, carry a sign,asking for money, in need of personal grooming is being kind. He offered to help her, asking her if she was ok. At first judging him by his appearance she immediately said NO. Feeling she was in danger of being mugged, among her luggage were three laptops, holding ALL her valuable personal information. He insisted and would not leave. Giving into the fact that she could not get to her destination by herself, she began to think with her "business" hat on. She offered to make him a "business deal" if he helped her get where she had to be, she would give him $20.00. He would have to tuck in his shirt, pull up his pants, bush the hair behind off his face... and put away his sign out of sight. His name was Dave, and he agreed, carrying most of her luggage walking through the terminal of Port Authority, she knew people were looking at them. She felt uncomfortable as she felt them judging. She was a professional business woman, and he was, well lets say- he was not!!! Feeling uneasy she still was amazed this man could carry all her luggage and as if was nothing and never notice the stares.The entire time he would repeat to her, "its ok, you will be alright it will all work out, don't worry" Getting to the food court at the airport, she offered to buy him lunch, he accepted.She made small talk... As agreed she took $20.00 out and extended it to pay him as the agreed "business deal". He refused and she insisted, she said we made a "business deal". He replied with, You have paid me with more than $20.00, you talked with me like a real person something no one has done in a long time. He then offered to stay and make sure she was ok until it was time to board. She said no thank you. He finally took the $20.00 they agreed upon as the "business deal" As she shared with us her experience we all realize that sometimes the person we least expect to be sent to help is the one.
After the meeting was over and Jim and I were driving home , I began to wonder if she knew what had happened- could it be the very thing Dave actually needed. So you never really know who is in need. HE does indeed work in HIS own way!!!

As children we all have dreams.When Jim and I have seen someone who is living or begging on the street - we wonder- what happened in that person life that they are where they are? When they were asked as a child "What do you want to be when you grow up?" We are almost sure they did not answer " I want to be homeless begging on the streets" or " I want to be an alcoholic or addicted to drugs" We also believe we all make choices, and have to be accountable for our actions. Just a thought.

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