Tuesday, May 26, 2009

We All Have Dreams

We All Have Dreams

We all have Dreams right? Being human allows us to answer YES!!! Have you ever heard about someone living their dream? Again the answer is probably YES!!! Do you realize the way we make an income and how we feel about it has a huge impact on our lives?

If you’re in an Occupational Career, Job, or anything else that produces an additional Stream of Income, and it does not make you happy ...Changing or choosing a new source can be easier than you think...

Take it slow and give it time. Do some soul searching...Discover what you really have interest in, what are you passionate about? Ask a lot of questions...
Explore your options... With the Internet research is easier than ever...

Joining an opportunity or starting a business can be exciting... Jumping into something too quickly without research, you could discover that things are not what you expected... You still have bills to pay...Do not quit what you are doing and wonder how you will pay the bills...

Do not settle for something that pays "Well" when asked most people would say happiness and satisfaction are more important than money... Do NOT sell your dream at any price...

At the end of the day you should feel good about what you accomplished...

Denise & Jim

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mentoring and Coaching For Work From Home and Home Based Business Owners

Mentoring and Coaching for The Home Based Business and Work From Home Profession begins before you join or partner with any company.

With the massive opportunities available it can be confusing and mis-leading.

Convincing or placing people in a Home Based/Work From Home Business that is not RIGHT it also limits chances for success.

We believe this is why success in this profession is said to be less than 5%...

We Believe that is Wrong... We are Not after a SALE, We Love Networking and Building Teams...Empowering people...

Being sold on someones "DREAM" or "HYPE" will fizzle or faded out... Because its NOT YOUR DREAM...

Learning the basics of HOW TO is important to your Success.

Let us help you, we will mentor and coach you, or find a mentor and coach that is the Right Fit for you...

Then find the Best Business Opportunity that is Right For You...

HomeBased/Work From Home Business are Not All created equally...

It Is Your Business... Making The Right Decision With The Right Opportunity For You... Increases Your Chance For SUCCESS!!!

Call Home Based Biz Consultants and schedule a F*r*e*e Consultation Session
with Jim or Denise @ 407.542.6633 or cell 386.235.6864

To Contact by Email Jim@Jimdenise.com

Home Based Biz Consultants

A Few Facts About Prickly Pear Cactus

Prickly Pear Cactus

Opuntia ficus-indica is the scientific name for Prickly Pear Cactus...

It's called the ''prickly pear cactus" and there is a good reason why,
With more than 300 varieties of "prickly pear cactus" some of the new varieties may have very few prickles.Yet they all have prickles...

The "Prickly Pear Cactus" grows in most soils, but it especially likes sandy or rocky soils on steep slopes - soils that are not usually good for other crops,it grows on infertile soil, which also helps to combat soil erosion in dry areas.
It grows well with little rain, and with a lot of rain they grow even better.

The "Prickly Pear" grows on the side of the leaf and looks like a small, round cucumber with prickles. It is also called the desert fig. The fruit is sweet and refreshing. It can also be made into jellies, juices and even dried to name a few uses. The young leaves can be eaten as a vegetable they look like pear-shaped disks and are covered with prickles or thorns, so you have to be careful when picking or preparing them

One way to pick "Prickly Pear Cactus" fruit when its ready is to cover each one with a plastic cup, or use gloves to keep your hands from getting prickles. Cut the fruit off at its base~ then place the fruit on a hard surface ~ then hold the "Prickly Pear" fruit still with a fork and cut through the outer skin with a knife. Peel the skin back all around leaving the pitty fruit. Now it is ready to eat! The whole fruit can be eaten -pits and all. Warning be careful! People who eat a lot of "Prickly Pear Cactus" fruit have had problems with the pits compacting in their intestines

The "Prickly Pear Cactus" also called tuna, which is the fruit and the pad of the "Prickly Pear Cactus" nopal, which are commonly boiled and eaten as a vegetable."Prickly Pear Cactus"

When the"Prickly Pear Cactus" is cut open and heated, the leaves of the"Prickly Pear Cactus"
have medicinal use in treating sores and swelling. A commercial dye can be made from the cochineal, an insect that lives on the "Prickly Pear Cactus".The fluid of the "Prickly Pear Cactus"
can be used as an adhesive in agricultural spraying or made into soap.
The leaves of the "Prickly Pear Cactus" can be used for animal feed in times of drought...

There a book called "Prickly Pear Cactus Medicine" this book explains the health benefits you can expect when prickly pear cactus is consumed daily ... It has been clinically studied, the studies have show to help diabetics control blood sugar better, high and lows, lowering the bad cholesterol, with some forms of cancer and lowering Blood Pressure.
There is an easier way to consume this wonderful fruit...other than growing your own ... even when they are available and can you buy them in the store the prickles maybe gone, still you have to peel it and then there are the pitty/seeds...There is a Whole Food Puree made from 92% Prickly Pear Cactus and 8% mango ..If you like more information visit Prickly Pear Cactus Puree

Please contact Jim or Denise @ 407.542.6633 or 386.235.6864

Email jim@jimdenise.com
email denise@jimdenise.com

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom's Day History

From Then To Now Mother's Day

The modern Mother's Day, of bringing flowers and gifts to moms can be traced back to seventeenth century England
Mothering Sunday was the fourth Sunday in Lent...a special day when all the strict rules about fasting and penance were put aside. Older children who were away from home learning a trade or working as servants were allowed to return home for Mothering Sunday. The family gathered for a mid-Lenten feast with Mother as the special guest. Along with a rare visit from her children, mothers were given treats of cakes and wildflower bouquets. While 'Mothering Sunday'

In America, early English settlers often disapproved of the Mothering Sunday tradition never really took. Early attempts to have a day to honor mother's were mixed with woman's suffrage and peace movements and were not very popular.

Julia Ward Howe, who wrote the words to the Battle Hymn of the Republic, suggested the idea of an International Mother's day to celebrate peace and motherhood in 1872. There were many other women who were active with local groups holding annual Mother's Day remembrances, but most were more religious gatherings and not the holiday that we know today.

One of the women, who was working on establishing Mother's Day as a national celebration was the mother of Anna Jarvis. Mrs. Jarvis held an annual gathering, Mother's Friendship Day, to heal the pain of the Civil War. After she died in 1905, Anna campaigned for the establishment of an official Mother's Day to commemorate her mother.

"Miss Anna Jarvis was as good as her word. She devoted her entire life to the struggle to have Mother's Day declared a national holiday. In the spring of 1908, Anna wrote to the Superintendent of Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia, where her mother had taught Sunday School classes for over 20 years. She requested that a Mother's Day service be held in honor of her mother. Thus, the first official Mother's Day celebration was held at Andrew's Methodist Church on May 10, 1908, with 407 persons in attendance. Anna Jarvis sent 500 white carnations to the church in Grafton. One was to be worn by each son and daughter and two by each mother in attendance. Another service was held in Philadelphia later that afternoon where Anna resided with her brother. Anna had requested that the first official service be held in Grafton, where the Jarvis family had lived so much of their lives and where her mother had served for so long as a teacher and public servant.

Anna Jarvis' campaign is the reason we have a formal holiday. In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson declared that Mother's Day should be celebrated as a national holiday on the second Sunday in May.

It didn't take very long for Mother's Day to change from a semi-religious occasion of prayers for peace and appreciation of the work and love of mothers around the world to a gifts, flowers, candy and dining out . Anna Jarvis was actually arrested at a Mother's Day festival while trying to stop women from selling flowers. Jarvis said "I wanted it to be a day of sentiment not profit."

Mother's Day may not have turned out to be the holiday that Julia Ward Howe, Anna Jarvis and countless other women around the world imagined, but it is a celebration of mothers...dedicated to honoring the women who give so much to their families without asking for anything in return. Perhaps every day should be Mother's Day, but most families are too busy with everyday business to say thank you for every meal or every good night kiss.

Once every year, the world stops being busy and says thank you. Flowers, cards and gifts are just the outward signs. What mothers love most is the fact that their families really do notice all that they do and for one day every mom is queen for a day...

Happy Mother's Day from Jim and Denise