Monday, August 31, 2009

If You Are Always Perfect You Are Not Learning

If you are always perfect you are not learning~

To create success ~ we must have goals ~

We strive to get "it" perfect all the time~

When we do get "it" perfect ~

As we pat ourselves on the back ~

Take a bow ~ except praise ~ and feel proud~

We should consider that we need to push forward ~

Otherwise It would be like quitting ~

Our skill levels increase as we push forward~

If you are going to improve you have to fall short of perfect~

How awesome never an end~ never boring~ always striving for Improvement~



Tony Robbins said that ~

Friday, August 28, 2009

You Never Know What You Do ~ Say or How You Act Effects the Life or Lives of Other People~

You Never Know What You Do ~ Say or How You Act can effect the Life or Lives of Other People~

How awesome of a feeling when we witness an abundance of GoOD as the result of
something that came from someone's heart...

Well thought out plans also produce a great abundance~
Have you noticed that sometimes they are started on an idea of someone's non planned action?

Recently we were reminded of this ~

We were at a Brave Aid ~ Operation Warrior Support meeting ~ Joe Wright who is a Veteran was speaking of how his past experiences and his service to our country still effect his everyday life. Moved by Joe's genuine and sincere testimonial~ Jim started recording Joe while he was speaking~ Joe was just that good... Jim did not why~ all he did know is that this was something he wanted to view again. (We have included the video link at the end of this note)

After uploading and viewing the video Jim decided has to be a way to share this message~

Jim finds a way he can help Joe deliver his message in a personal way to friends and family~

We have a streaming video software package that enables us to up load and send a video to friends ~ family ~ business associates in an email.
Not being able to edit the unrehearsed ~ matter of fact Joe did not even know he was being recorded ~ version Jim knew that it was the way to was meant to be...

Jim also sent it to Brandon Williams founder of Brave Aid to share what an we felt was a message that Joe indeed was an awesome speaker ~ To date this video has been forwarded and view over 350 times.

Stories of real life positive effects this video has had on lives of people who have viewed it have been shared with us. Joe him self was not aware of how much his message would create abundance for others or in his own well being and personal life .

We know that a message needs to be delivered and we feel blessed to be a part of this mission.

Both Jim and I believe in some way Jim's recording ~Joe words ~and the circulates of this video~ is an example of how a prompt to take action can inspire abundance...

We are passionate about helping others help themselves ~
Giving a Hand Up as opposed to giving a Hand Out~
Give a Man a Fish Feed him for a Meal ~ Teach a Man to Fish Feed him for a Life~

If you like hear more on Brave Aid ~ Operation Warrior Support please contact
Jim Dupre personal number and e-mail address 386-235-6864 <- The Video of Joe uncut

Monday, August 24, 2009

Words Worth Sharing

A Birth Certificate shows that we were born~
A Death Certificate shows that we died~
Pictures show that we lived~

Just because two people argue~
that doesn't mean they don't love each other~

And just because they don't argue~ that doesn't mean they do love each other~

Sometimes when we are angry we have the right to be angry~
but that never give us the right to be cruel~

We don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change~

No matter how good a friend is ~
they're going to hurt us every once in a while and we must forgive them for that~

True friendship continues to grow ~ even over the longest distance ~ Same goes for true love~

We can do something in an instant that will give us heartache for life~

It's taking us a long time to become the person we want to be~

We should always leave loved ones with loving words ~ It may be the last time we see them~

We can keep going long after we think we can't~

We are responsible for what we do ~ no matter how we feel~

We either control our attitude or it controls us~

Heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done ~
regardless of the consequences~

Money is a lousy way of keeping score~

With our best friends we can do anything ~ or nothing ~ and have the best time~

Sometimes the people we expect to kick us ~
When we're down
Are the ones to help us get back up~

Maturity has more to do with what types of experiences we've had ~
and what we've learned from them ~
and less to do with how many birthdays we've celebrated~

It isn't always enough to be forgiven by others~
Sometimes ~ we have to learn to forgive ourselves~

No matter how bad our heart is broken the world doesn't stop for our grief~

Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are ~
but we are responsible for who we become~

We shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret ~ It could change our life forever~

Two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different~

Our life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know us~

Even when we think we have no more to give ~
if a friend cries out to us ~
we will find the strength to help~

Credentials on the wall do not make anyone a decent human being~

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything ~
We just make the most of everything~

Monday, August 3, 2009

How would you answer these questions?

When someone I care about passes away or they lose someone ,it reminds me of what we have is only NOW. Problems seem to fade and not be as important. The past is gone, the future is uncertain, we only have NOW, the present (a gift).

This week our family has heard of several toddlers who have passed away in accidents in their own homes. Reminding me to put "LIFE" into perspective. Life is precious and can be gone in a matter of seconds. All we have is right NOW.

N notice
O opportunities
W waiting

I began to realize when I am reminded of how precious life is, I find new appreciation and begin to practice awareness of everything... Set new goals to accomplish, then something happens and I get side tracked, disappointed .

I began to look at how I spend my NOW moments. If I were to record an average day of my life what would it say about ~

~What I am doing with my Gift of Life? (Present)
~Am I using all my talents?
~Am I being productive with my time, co creating ?

~What would your recorded average day look like?

How would you answer those questions?