Friday, May 28, 2010

My Grandson 1st Move

My 4 year old Grandson often asks "Did you buy this for me and you to share?"

Like most children he loves to share everyone's "stuff" : )

One day his mother and I explained that a particular "thing" he was sure was a shared gift

was bought before he was born.

He asked what "Before he was born" meant

My daughter told him that when he was in her tummy growing, his Uncles bought it for me...

Explaining that is what before he was born meant...

Wanting to be sure ...he repeated " I lived in your tummy before I was born?'

My daughter answered Yes...

You can see his mind working as he says

" Before I was born I lived in your tummy?"

His mother said yes...all children live in their mommy's tummy before they are born..

He then says " Then I Moved right?"

We all smiled and said Yes ... Simple Wisdom...

Life is simple... not the same as easy : )

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