It is my belief that we all have said words we wish we could take back...
On that note...
While TV was in the background , I could heard a prepared/rehearsed speech.
I was not able to understand what the speaker was saying...
I understood the meaning of the was English, my native language.
I stopped what I was doing to give my undivided attention to the "speaker"
It was then I realized they were just "over" saying words...
As a friend of mine often says... Baffling with BS...
Then I realized ... The speaker was not communicating...
When speaker was asked questions...
No clear answers were given...
Sometimes when trying to avoid a subject ~ add words...
Sometimes when there is nothing to say ~ add words...
Sometimes the answer seemed rehearsed... not really making sense at all...
What ever happened to "Saying what you mean and meaning what you say"
After the speech there were a number of programs scheduled to
"explain" or give a personal opinion of what was just said...
The "professionals" could not even agree...
Before you speak or post think is it true~ is it kind ~ is it helpful~ will it improve the silence? : )
A smile can say a LOT : )
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