Thursday, September 13, 2012

An ah-ha! moment for me...

Repeatedly being reminded... 

"That I made a mistake"

By others who had done what I was then doing...

Yes... it was at a job!

I listen to them... after all they did this before.

Then slowly  it came through me...

"I AM not them"

"I AM me"

Ever heard ...

'If you want different results... do things different?'

When I became Thankful...for those mistakes
and to others who were trying to push/pull me into a mold...
A mold that I call...'in the box' 
No matter how big the box is... it limits how far one can go
taking control of imagination and possibilities. 

What was the desired end results I wanted.
Recognition, promotions, raises, approval from others felt good...
yet it did not fuel me...
feeling I did my best, and did more than before that felt great!
That was what charged me!

It was being me, 
I love connecting with others...
I love learning...
I love teaching...

A metaphor ...
I was given all the ingredients to make a chocolate cake
I was given all the tools I would need, measuring cups, spoons,
mixer, pans, oven everything to make a chocolate cake, 
even the proven results... a beautiful chocolate cake!

Everything except the recipe!

This was an excuse for me to keep doing the same thing the same way.

That was a stepping stone...

Thinking... How did a recipe even become a recipe?

Through mistakes...and keep on keepin on!

When you make mistakes...

Make sure you don't miss the message ...looking for the mistake! 

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