Great Advice... From
Neale Donald Walsch
On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know...
...that nothing is ever solved, or created, by standing
Movement is the process of the
Universe. So move.
Do something. Anything. But do not stand still.
Do not remain"on the horns of a dilemma." Do not fence sit.
Do something. Anything. But do not stand still.
Do not remain"on the horns of a dilemma." Do not fence sit.
Put your foot down on one side
or the other,
swing the opposite leg over and start walking.
You'll know before you take ten steps if
you're going in the right direction.
swing the opposite leg over and start walking.
You'll know before you take ten steps if
you're going in the right direction.
Not to decide is to
Try to not make choices by default.
Try to not make choices by default.
What is it that you are 'on the fence about?'
The way to walk your talk is to take that 1st step...
then repeat!
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