Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Entry Journal Date 2-10-11

This is why having a journal is so rewarding : ) 

Entry date  Feb 2-10-11

It was a normal day ... I was sharing a conversation with someone I call friend...
If not for a common work place we may have never met...
We exchange greetings, share thoughts, sometimes vent, and above all we listen to each other...
On this day... my world became brighter !!!
She told me... I am paraphrasing ...
Just me being me...Just being there I added value and made the environment we shared a better place
At first I replied with a general yeah thanks ... I was playing small...
I was letting my feelings, pride, ego over power someone thoughts and words...
As life has patience with me... it gave me another chance ...
She again repeated her kindness with examples... 
her kindness and sincerity over powered my feeling of playing it small...
She was offering me a gift ... and I was not allowing her to give...
When I said ...and meant ...
Thank You and told her that was nice to hear...  
made my day...

Her smile was my second gift ♥

Reminding me that we are all connected ...  

our words truly have an impact on others...

When we speak and when we listen...

When We Receive  and When We Give ...

Circle of Life...

1 comment:

The Happi Collective said...

Just beautiful. We dont need to chase extraordinary moments in life. They are right there in front of us - and that includes within the people who surround us on a daily basis.