Monday, June 17, 2013


'Why' is still one of my favorite question ...
As a child ...'Because' was often the answer !
My father nick named me his 'Y' child... 
He came up with a thought provoking answer...
'Good question... I am not sure... 'Why' do YOU... 'Think?'  
Encouraging me to think... not just accept what I was told...
what I heard... or what I saw!

My children did ask me 'Why' ...
An example that came to mind ...
Mom 'Why' is the grass green?
I answered it would look really silly if it was orange huh? 
I loved the look on their faces as they imagined the grass orange!

As they grew... often they would tell me 'Why' ...
Encouraging me to use my imagination !

Now my grandson asks me... 'Why' actually he adds  'How Come?' 

NOW-A-Days we have Google, You tube, Yahoo and other sources to get information and opinions. : ) which I am happy to say gives soooo many answers it encourages us to really 'think' what it is we really believe and 'Why'... not to mention how it really stretches the imagination!

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