Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blue Bird of Happiness

This morning grandson and I off to get the Sunday newspaper spotting a blue jay, 
I got excited saying ... YES! look it is a blue bird of happiness! 
Grandson says matter of fact-ly... 'That is just silly superstition and I do not believe in it.' 
'me either' I replied...  the bird reminds me to be happy, it does not bring happiness... 
just reminds me that happiness is inside of me already!
Well, we got a free newspaper! 
He came home excited telling Grandpa Jim all about the 'lucky blue bird of happiness!' 
We went to a carnival, grandson won a prize at every game he played, 
and was allowed to go on the rides for free... without a wristband.
Top it off someone was giving away a remote control robot and dinosaur, 
 they live a only few miles. After receiving them... to put it in his own words...
'They are awesome' learning how to maneuver them, he had hours of entertainment and fun!
Asking this 7 year old what was his favorite part of the day... his answer ... 
The Lucky Blue Bird of happiness!
I believe he will always look at a blue jay from now on...knowing he is lucky and happy !

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