Wednesday, November 6, 2013

True Story about Ice Cream

Grandson was watching a cartoon...
and they were making homemade ice cream!

"Nana I want to make ice cream."

I reply; We don't have the ingredients,
or an ice cream maker, etc. He says we 
have almond milk, coffee creamer, sugar, ice and salt!
His excitement is exceeded only by his determination!

Thinking back to when my children were young,
we made ice cream without an ice cream maker.

Ok, we will try, not sure if it will work, but we will do it!

In a small mason jar we put almond milk, 
coffee creamer and sugar, placing on the lid!

Placing the  mason jar in a larger plastic container,
layer ice and salt. Placing a rubber band on 
the plastic container to assure lid stays on!

Wrap it in a towel, telling grandson roll it and shake it.

After about 10- 15 minutes we check it...

It was almost ice cream!

Sealing the plastic container again, the adding a little more ice and salt,
shaking and rolling for an additional 10 minutes.

Open it up... Ice Cream!

I ask grandson did we learn anything here?

He answers... I was right, You were wrong?

Yep... anything else I asked.

Yes, when you want something

just do it... it might work!

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