Saturday, January 31, 2015

It Takes Courage To Change

It takes a lot courage to change!
It takes a little fear to stay where you are!

The big changes that I made in my life didn't happen over night...
It took years... 
I  mediated, prayed, thinking and trying solutions 
while stretching and expanding my comfort zone!
Some excuses I told myself... 
it could hurt others, others will judge me, what 'if' I am wrong; 
others are more important, I am stronger it is my place, 
if I just keep being busy... I will feel better, are just a few
of the thoughts that kept me frozen in over-thinking-self-fear. 
 Knowing I could ask getting those thoughts validated! 

I have made mistakes, many were based on re-acting quickly; 
acting on ego, pride, or fear! When I ask for Gods guidance 
and openly waited I always received more than was needed! 
Gods answers are always wiser than my prayers!

What-ever you are doing or going through in your life right now...
 Ask your-self does it feel as if it is your purpose, your calling? 
Trust your intuition, Ask God and then... listen... God is everywhere!

Meet The Authors- Order Books

Friday, January 30, 2015


Sometimes when I am talking with a family member or friend
and they tell me how strong I am, how I inspire them,
I feel humbled, blessed and grateful to God.
I know God is speaking through them reminding me HE loves me, and HE is proud of me!
God has always been at my side, when I act with less than the best intentions,
when I am less than I could be, when I allow fear, ego and pride to come through me, in talk or actions,
God is there loving me.
What are you doing in your life now? Does it feel right for you?
You will know when it does...
Ask God...then listen, watch, hear HIS answers they are everywhere!
Denise Marie Barone

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Hearing From God

I have been waking up the last few nights ...
I look at the clock with the thought 
'Remember the time; look it up in Proverbs'
God speaks to us in ALL ways...
Hearing from God... Listening 
Sometimes getting the answer before my question♥
Thank You I AM Grateful♥
Denise Marie 

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Today I started with Leftovers

Today I started with leftovers...
That stuff that sometimes creeps up on you when...
you are not thinking in the NOW...
when you are either thinking past or thinking future.
Yes, it is important to remember where you were and have an idea of where you are going.
However, I believe the key thing is not to get 'stuck'... keep on keeping on!
Live in the NOW and keep on Moving!Meet The Authors and order books

denise barone

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

In My Garden... My Mind/Thoughts

In my garden... My mind/thoughts
I plant seeds happiness (positive) ...
sometimes weeds (negative) pop up...
I have learned to pull them out by the roots as soon as they appear...
not just at the base...
seemingly appears to be no weeds yet the roots grow and can take over your garden (mind/thoughts)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Do You Know The Difference Between a Rut and a Grave?

Do you know the difference between a rut and a grave?

A grave stops at 6 feet... a rut can go on and on...forever!
If you are above-ground... you are vulnerable to get into a rut!
Do you believe a scheduled life or being too busy it is 
not the same as living happy and being productive?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Last Night as I was going to Sleep

Last night as I was going to sleep, a question would
keep coming through...   starting with...
"Before YOU answer this question... really give it thought...
THINK about Your answer...this is not a quick answer...
Thinking of a current challenge in YOUR life right NOW, 
would you change anything or make different choices?" 
It was not a slight suggestion or a gentle nudge it was a 
positive yet strong question! 
I was going to sleep...  normally, before sleep I AM completely at peace 
even when I AM excited sleep always comes easily! The thought was there all night... waiting very patiently, in my dreams; when I sat, walked, danced, actively interacting with someone or doing something, the thought was there, accompanying me never leaving me for a moment! 
When I woke up, "At first I thought... Yes, I would... (wouldn't most of us?)... changing to benefit oneself and those we love? However, the thought of wait... give it thought... Really think about it... was so strong... 
I did... My answer is No; everything happens for the GOOD! GOD's answers and plans are wiser than MY prayers and Questions! I have zero regrets; I have no desire to re-live my past; I live in the NOW! And I accept full responsibility for my choices,  if I made mistakes, they are My lessons, and I choose to move forward from them! If I have hurt others with my choices, I forgive myself knowing that it was not my intention, and those who have hurt me, I forgive myself for thinking; it was about me; I know it was not their intention to hurt me! My answer was/is I AM at peace; I AM excited about My NOW... My Future!" ... The thought came smiling through... still at my side...with a strong positive message... Any answer would be of benefit to Me ... thought came smiling  through, this challenge would have happened, it was enviable... it was a matter of WHEN not if!" 
I AM Grateful for My Life!

Friday, January 23, 2015

What was Done is Done

What was done is done
It cannot be undone 
I choose to deal with where I AM NOW...
What happened has brought me here NOW...
Where I was... does not dictate where I go NOW....
That is completely up to ME and the choices I make!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Do you think having too many choices increase the temptation to take things for granted...
and be less grateful?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Thought Came Through

A thought that came through...
I was not born a winner or a loser...
I was born a chooser!
I get to continuously make choices!
I can change and improve my life any time I choose.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Another Memory

Another memory... 
My Father... "Denise everything 'I' did for 'you' while 'you' were growing up
has a price, and 'you' must pay it. Every thing 'I' did for 'you' must be repaid!"
My thinking at first was this is so not like him...  waiting and practicing patience!
He continues... "'You' must repay 'me' for all 'I' have done for 'you', 
Everything 'I' have done for 'you'...'You' must do for 'your children'!"

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Sunday, January 18, 2015


This morning remembering things my father
would repeatedly suggest I  think about .

A.Taking control of your Taking control of your life!
B.Good habits are as addictive as bad habits... It your choice!
C. A smart man learns from his own mistakes.A wise man learn from others mistakes

He struggled with addictions most of his life...
He taught me compassion and how to think not what to think!
I AM grateful for my mindset and my choices!

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