Saturday, January 31, 2015

It Takes Courage To Change

It takes a lot courage to change!
It takes a little fear to stay where you are!

The big changes that I made in my life didn't happen over night...
It took years... 
I  mediated, prayed, thinking and trying solutions 
while stretching and expanding my comfort zone!
Some excuses I told myself... 
it could hurt others, others will judge me, what 'if' I am wrong; 
others are more important, I am stronger it is my place, 
if I just keep being busy... I will feel better, are just a few
of the thoughts that kept me frozen in over-thinking-self-fear. 
 Knowing I could ask getting those thoughts validated! 

I have made mistakes, many were based on re-acting quickly; 
acting on ego, pride, or fear! When I ask for Gods guidance 
and openly waited I always received more than was needed! 
Gods answers are always wiser than my prayers!

What-ever you are doing or going through in your life right now...
 Ask your-self does it feel as if it is your purpose, your calling? 
Trust your intuition, Ask God and then... listen... God is everywhere!

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