Friday, March 27, 2009

The Person Standing on the Mountain~Top

The Person Standing on the Mountain~Top

The person standing on the mountain top did not get there by falling. You have to climb to where you want to go--and you cannot get there by climbing over others. It is about climbing with others, side by side, and even pulling some others up with you. Are you willing to do that? If you are, you'll get to that high place, and others will be happy that you're there-- which is what will keep you there.

Jim & denise live in a suburb of Orland, Florida

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Prickly Pear Cactus Health

Prickly Pear Cactus

Opuntia ficus-indica -What is it and Why would you Drink it!

Prickly Pear Cactus is much easier to remember and pronounce! The Prickly Pear Cactus has been around for centuries. It is amazing people who are consuming a new product made from the Prickly Pear Cactus. We are even more amazed at the health and well being experiences they are sharing with us. If you have ever had the experience to peel a Prickly Pear... you'd truly appreciate the new drink it is a puree~ red purple in color and has been blended with 10% mango puree giving it a delicious flavor. Not a juice it is a full flavored WHOLE FOOD Puree. While researching we learned a lot about Prickly Pear Cactus which produces an amazing fruit. Its health and healing benefits are said to be the next herbal super star following in the footsteps of Echinacea, and ST John's Wort . The International Diabetes Center recognizes it as one of 5 herbals with the greatest promise for the alternative treatment of diabetes. It has also been the subject of blood cholesterol research trails sponsored by the American Heart Association. Scientific studies on the antiviral properties of the cactus to treat herpes, influenza, (flu) and HIV, obesity, gastrointestinal disorders, and skin ailments. This food and medicine has been a staple of the people of the Southwest portion of the United Sates, the Middle East, parts of Europe and Africa, Central and South America for hundreds of years.

The question remained would "we" "our family" and "our friends" benefit or "feel" benefits from the product. Well after 1 week... we were 100% sure. For us personally, our sugar cravings were gone. No more nagging sweet more 3 O'clock crash or pick me up caffeine, snacks, chips, cookies, no more eating bowls of ice cream and toppings. We are having energy without jumpy, jittery irritability feelings in addition to more FOCUS and clarity.

We started to share it with "our family" and "friends". Everyone is having greats results of their own. The research and clinical trials that have been done on Prickly Pear Cactus the health benefits for Diabetes, elevated LDL and Triglycerides, Hypertension, Heart Disease, and Cancer are amazing. We know people this would benefit and be of interest to. We have family and friends who have Diabetes and are experiencing more stabilized blood sugars. Friends who are experiencing more energy and have also lost the sugar cravings and afternoon crash... and a plus ...weight loss. A good friend has her entire family including her 2 1/2 yr daughter drinking Prickly Pear Cactus ... it is a whole food, not freeze dried then water added, no supplements added, expecting Mom's~nursing Mom's~ toddlers, no worry it's a WHOLE FOOD. We add Prickly Pear Cactus to other juices to enhance the favor example orange juice, lemonade; they make excellent margaritas, and other mixed drinks. We were told about t an added bonus, NO HANG OVER the next day. We make salad dressing with it, on top pancakes, waffles, over ice cream, yogurt, pudding, with juice for Popsicles, in baking there are endless possibilities. One friend puts Prickly Pear Cactus puree on her pet's food because the doggy has diabetes. Others have shared with us, that it helps with elimination, becoming regular, helped increase a feeling of well being. Since this drink has only been available since DEC 2008 and already having such positive results, it is only a matter of time before you hear about it everywhere.

Jim and I (denise) both enjoy entrepreneurial spirit, enjoy people, so Jim decided to look at the business/marketing side of the company. This is more Jim's passion and interest than mine. He did his due diligence and the company's foundation, future and principals all were impressive ...he was very excited and we were ready to get on board. We became distributors... and our family and friends also became distributors too. It cost $39.00 the onetime distributor fee plus the product cost.

We were not interested in another business, we were promoting and marketing another company and product ... Imagine daily supplements according to your genetic code... from a DNA swab we all can NOW know our genetic needs, and take supplements created just for us, along with a skin care line. In the future even Medication will be given according to your genetic code... Along with the 3 ounces a day of the Prickly Pear Cactus ... We can honestly say we feel GREAT... Better than we have in years ...Health and nutrition has always been a priority in my (denise) life. My father (53) and brother (49) were weakened and taken by complications from Diabetes. Diabetes has a hold of my nephew since AGE 8 (now 29) and my niece since 3 now (13). I've seen what diabetes can do to a person. My brother had a kidney transplant, a prosthetic leg, many surgeries on his eyes leaving him still with poor vision. Cancer took my mother at age 66. My Grandfathers suffered heart failure. So this Prickly Pear Cactus product indeed tugged at my heart strings, a health benefit to help protect from the conditions I had seen loved one's suffer with. Who do you know that would benefit from this? Everyone!

There is a book called "Prickly Pear Cactus Medicine" written by Ran Knishinsky published in 2004, there is no mention of any company- and everything to do with this wonderful plant Prickly Pear Cactus,.. Be good to yourself, those you love and those who love you.

Want To Learn More Contact Jim or denise
What To Talk To A Real Person 386.235.6864

Monday, March 23, 2009

Stepping Stones

Stepping Stones...

What are Stepping Stones? Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines it as
1~ a stone on which to step (as in crossing a stream) 2~ a means of progress or advancement .

With Stepping Stones In Mind...

They Can Be Stone, Rock or Any Obstacle In Which You Step To Get To Where You Want To Be...
They Can Be Slippery, You Could Slip!
They Can Be Far Apart You May Have To Stretch To Get To The Next One!
They Can Be Close Together You May Take A Few A Time!
They Can Be Straight In A Line Or Zig-Zagged.
To Get To A Desired Place You Make The Decision And Then Take Action!
You Will Not Take Every Path, And Some You May Take Over and Over.

Network Marketing~

We Have Heard From The Experienced Who Are Successful,
Who Have a Defined Map Of Stepping Stones Most Are Similar Paths~
Apply Duplication Is The Key~
Do As They Have Done To Get Where They Are !
As Important As We Feel It Is To Have Mentors, Coaches and Training,
We Feel It Is Equally As Important To Be Yourself.
Now With The Internet~ A Means to Meet More People That You Normally Would Not.
You Can Apply Multiplication!
We Believe It Is Still About Relationships And Adding Value That Really Builds A Team.
Customers, Team Members And Team Leaders.
Be Ethical,Moral and Honest ~ Choose Your Own Paths ~ The Ones That Are Right For You.

No Matter What Paths You Choose To Take Or Not To Take -
Make The Choices Your Own...
Choose Your Own Paths...
Follow Your Inner Guide...And Make Stepping Stones Out Of The Obstacles.

Jim and denise live in a suburb of Orlando Florida
Home Based Biz Consultants

Friday, March 13, 2009

What you welcome will appear

Jim and I made a choice to welcome GoOD experiences people share. Seems like everyday we hear more and more... Could it be you really find what you are open to? I believe the answer is YES...
Sean is a hair stylist in Boca Raton, driving to and from work he listens to talk radio . He is as intelligent as he is talented, he enjoys and retains information and knowledge. He has a lot interests , one is natural health and modern day technology. Sharing conversations with his client is a benefit of his career. One day a client comes in and she had tears in her eyes and tells him " Sean, you changed my life"
He asks why... In a previous visit she told Sean. She was in a serious car accident , the results of going through the windshield she had a concussion. She was telling how she was still having trouble, that was interfering with her everyday life, to the point of her not being able to function in her normal capacity. Dr's claimed it was normal and should be better in 2-3 months. That time plus more had passed and she was getting worse. When she would wake up she did not know who she was or where she was. How frightening is that,is any wonder how a person could become dangerously depressed ? She moved backed home with her parents. Sean had heard on the way to work about PCS (post concussion syndrome) and how Berkeley University in CA was having success in helping people with similar troubles . She went home goggled it, research it ...and actually went to Berkeley, and was seen by the doctors there...She is now being treated and has quality back in her life...
life is hard... still it is simple...

How simple ... He cared...He listened...he shared... she listened... she believed...she cared and took action...and took the time to come back and say Thank You... Life is GoOD and this is just another example... of paying it forward...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who is Dave, and why was he there?

We met with a friend of ours, it was Tuesday before her leadership role at our Meetup. She shared a recent true life experience with us. She was in NY City and found her self with more luggage than one person could possibly carry. She began to feel unsafe and envisioned being robbed. A man approached her, he had all the appearance of a homeless man, carry a sign,asking for money, in need of personal grooming is being kind. He offered to help her, asking her if she was ok. At first judging him by his appearance she immediately said NO. Feeling she was in danger of being mugged, among her luggage were three laptops, holding ALL her valuable personal information. He insisted and would not leave. Giving into the fact that she could not get to her destination by herself, she began to think with her "business" hat on. She offered to make him a "business deal" if he helped her get where she had to be, she would give him $20.00. He would have to tuck in his shirt, pull up his pants, bush the hair behind off his face... and put away his sign out of sight. His name was Dave, and he agreed, carrying most of her luggage walking through the terminal of Port Authority, she knew people were looking at them. She felt uncomfortable as she felt them judging. She was a professional business woman, and he was, well lets say- he was not!!! Feeling uneasy she still was amazed this man could carry all her luggage and as if was nothing and never notice the stares.The entire time he would repeat to her, "its ok, you will be alright it will all work out, don't worry" Getting to the food court at the airport, she offered to buy him lunch, he accepted.She made small talk... As agreed she took $20.00 out and extended it to pay him as the agreed "business deal". He refused and she insisted, she said we made a "business deal". He replied with, You have paid me with more than $20.00, you talked with me like a real person something no one has done in a long time. He then offered to stay and make sure she was ok until it was time to board. She said no thank you. He finally took the $20.00 they agreed upon as the "business deal" As she shared with us her experience we all realize that sometimes the person we least expect to be sent to help is the one.
After the meeting was over and Jim and I were driving home , I began to wonder if she knew what had happened- could it be the very thing Dave actually needed. So you never really know who is in need. HE does indeed work in HIS own way!!!

As children we all have dreams.When Jim and I have seen someone who is living or begging on the street - we wonder- what happened in that person life that they are where they are? When they were asked as a child "What do you want to be when you grow up?" We are almost sure they did not answer " I want to be homeless begging on the streets" or " I want to be an alcoholic or addicted to drugs" We also believe we all make choices, and have to be accountable for our actions. Just a thought.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

We are not attending

You can call me crazy or in denial yet I am NOT accepting the invitation to this recession- depression- bad economy or whatever they are calling it today... I refuse to buy into what the News-CNN-(Constant Negative News)- The News Papers ( which should be called The History Paper seeing it all happen yesterday!!!) I am making my own economy ... I do not accept or believe for one second that God would have us live in scarcity... I find people who are just as determined as I am to be ALL that they can be... I know people who have lost their job or fear they might- some worry and yet some have discovered a new purpose in life... they feel as if they have been awakened... no longer on auto pilot ...feel free ... and are doing something to produce income... I look for facts of how more millionaires are made during a "down economy"-and I find them...How many folks stretch and become more than they knew they could... they learn to celebrate what they have... reconnect with source and inner self and beliefs.
Jim and I decided to go out and find opportunities instead of waiting for something to happen. We knew we needed to make things happen, even if the news, and government tells everyone there is a recession going on to and live in fear ... After exploring opportunities we have chosen to be in what we refer to as "Conversational Marketing"
We have conversations with people... offering value and mentorship to those who chose this path. We have made many friends and not all decided that this is right for them... We appreciate them...and they are still our friends.It is not about growing just a business it is about being of value and having purpose.
Courage and Faith, with Action is how we choose to live our lives. Failure is not an option... Life is not easy- yet it is simple... You have to take action.