with empathy and understanding, shame can't survive!
Friday, February 27, 2015
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
When I AM
When I AM more Forgiving of Myself
I AM more forgiving towards others...
When I AM more Loving towards Myself...
I AM more Loving towards others...
My Thoughts...
Those who are NOT Forgiving of Loving...
Need Moe Forgiveness and Love
Monday, February 23, 2015
Sometimes you have to risk everything
For a dream only YOU can see...
It is worth waiting for...
Keep on Keeping on!
You are worth 'it'!
Sunday, February 22, 2015
If Your Intention Is Good...
Serves Others... Serves Self...
And You Feel Good...
You Are Living Your Purpose!
Not Always Perfect...
Just Be Your Best!
Serves Others... Serves Self...
And You Feel Good...
You Are Living Your Purpose!
Not Always Perfect...
Just Be Your Best!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Simple Way to Love Happy
Simple way to live happy...
Let go of what does not make you happy
Simple not always easy
Love others... Yet do not live for others!
Denise Barone,
denise marie,
Jim Dupre,
sources of wisdom,
Friday, February 20, 2015
Fall In Love
Fall In Love with Your Life!
Give it All You Got!
Do what makes you happy
Avoid hurting others!
Always help others!
Take chances... Have Fun!
No one gets out alive...
Some die without fully living.
Change is always an option.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Some Choices
Some Choices... I make by myself...
Yet not alone...
I have people who
Love and Accept me...
No Matter what!
As I Love and Accept them...
No Matter what!
always seeing eye to eye
We agree to disagree!
This is one of my greatest
successes in life!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Thought is Energy
Thought is Energy...
You may not be able to see it...
Yet you can feel the effects!
You may not be able to see it...
Yet you can feel the effects!
Monday, February 16, 2015
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Letting Go of
Letting go of the Life I had Planned
Allowing and Accepting the Life that has been
Waiting for Me ~
Saturday, February 14, 2015
I Love My Thoughts
I Love My Thoughts...
I Love My Ideas...
I Love Listening to Others Ideas...
Then Making My Own Choice...
I Make Loving Decisions
Other People Fears are Not Mine!
Sources Of Wisdom Book 1 Where it All Started
e-book download Fri 2-13 through Tues Feb 17...
it NOW and read it anytime... on your PC, MAC, Smart Phone,
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into the authors life... one
chapter at a time Thank You!
Denise Barone,
denise marie,
jim denise,
sources of wisdom
Thursday, February 12, 2015
I Love Life...
Life Loves Me!
Practicing Balance...
When I Trip, Stumble, or Wobble
I Make it Part of the Dance!
Yep even when I Fall...
I Get Up... Thanking the Universe
as I Practice Balance!
Improving My Dance Skills !
My favorite Dance is A-Bun-Dance!
Denise Barone,
denise marie,
Jim Dupre,
sources of wisdom
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Little More Love
Little More Love...
When I feel down,
I know a breakthrough is coming
When I feel I need to 'fix' it
I know it is time to let it be
When I feel I don't 'fit' in'
I know it is time to stand 'out'
When I feel let down by someone I love,
I know it is time to love a little more
When I allow my-self to fully associate with
'my' inner positive feelings; (my soul)
and not my negative thoughts (my ego)
I know I need to love 'me' a little more and
give more love for everyone and everything...
I know every thing always works out for the greater good!
with a little more 'love'
Denise Marie
Monday, February 9, 2015
Mistakes or Lessons?
I have made mistakes,
Maybe I stayed at jobs, in relationships or
on the phone longer than I should have!
Maybe, I have turned and walked away when
Maybe, I should have kept going, full throttle ahead!
Maybe I gave in when I should have stood my ground!
Maybe, I stood my ground when I should have given in!
Maybe, I spoke when my silence would have been best!
Maybe, I have stayed silent when my voice would have been better!
All of these mistakes have improved my life allowing growth!
I have forgiven myself and others
I choose to see 'mistakes' as lessons
knowing with love everything happens in perfect time!
I learned un learned and re learned what I needed!
Where I AM now is not where I planned to be!
I know My Past has Nothing to do with My Future!
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Our Realtionships
We all recognize 'other' people relationships from the outside that are
in need of repair... right? What I have learned; when 'Love' is first
rules, conditions, ego and need for control; are not a priority!
if you are with this person, if you are friends with that person,
if you eat or drink this, if you do anything that I disapprove of...
being told sometimes in words and other times with actions...
"I will with-hold love from you." They may refuse to talk to you, not invite you to occasions, UNTIL you meet their demands. Sometimes ego is so strong... one party or both will not allow healing, getting stuck in the past!
in need of repair... right? What I have learned; when 'Love' is first
rules, conditions, ego and need for control; are not a priority!
if you are with this person, if you are friends with that person,
if you eat or drink this, if you do anything that I disapprove of...
being told sometimes in words and other times with actions...
"I will with-hold love from you." They may refuse to talk to you, not invite you to occasions, UNTIL you meet their demands. Sometimes ego is so strong... one party or both will not allow healing, getting stuck in the past!
Being human we are pack creatures by nature, thriving on love, not wanting to 'rock the boat'and wanting to avoid conflict, we ignore our dreams, passions and desires, to stay in the 'pack!'Settling for someone else's idea of HOW we should live.
Believing there is no perfect 'choice!' For some living without the 'packs' approval unthinkable 'believing' they could not survive. Those people chose to bury their purpose and live supporting someone else's idea of life...
Then there is the ego assuming responsibilities for the happiness or hurt of others... and usually, there are plenty of victims to remind them they are the reason for their 'issues!
Another is the use of guilt or emotional blackmail...
The list goes on and on. Some of the ways some deal with 'staying with the pack' is living a somewhat double life, numbing self with alcohol, drugs or other addictions.
I am not saying it is easy to choose, I am saying I recognize some of these... I know some of these people, and I have been some of these people...
In the past...
I have fallen... it was... when I hit rock bottom... when I was broken ...
That is when I heard it ... it spoke volume ...'You Are Here To Love.'
Then there is the ego assuming responsibilities for the happiness or hurt of others... and usually, there are plenty of victims to remind them they are the reason for their 'issues!
Another is the use of guilt or emotional blackmail...
The list goes on and on. Some of the ways some deal with 'staying with the pack' is living a somewhat double life, numbing self with alcohol, drugs or other addictions.
I am not saying it is easy to choose, I am saying I recognize some of these... I know some of these people, and I have been some of these people...
In the past...
I have fallen... it was... when I hit rock bottom... when I was broken ...
That is when I heard it ... it spoke volume ...'You Are Here To Love.'
Whatever you are going through... keep going...
or rest in a moment... it is your choice!
or rest in a moment... it is your choice!
Listen and Trust Your Intuition... Remember Your Gift...Free Will!
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Surrender... One definition is...
to give oneself up, as into the power of another; submit or yield.
Many guru's (a fun definition of Guru... clue spell it out slowly G- gee U- you R- are U- you)
ok back to topic... advice from Guru's excuse your-self or refuse to associate with anyone
who talks negative about anyone or anything! Which of us have never spoken negative
participated in gossip, politics, relationship-related woes, work-related issues... you get it right?
Some friends have shared the did not like being around their parents/grandparents as they aged, because they became very negative about almost everything in life! I remember one motivational speaker actually said he only sees his mother on holidays and for a very short time due to her negativity. By looking for the good in all, practicing being positive, I have a question... refusing to associate with negative people at all are valuable chances to spread positive, share love, open or stay connected being ignored? I am NOT suggesting we surrender to and welcome being around it, engaging in it, or go looking for it, what I am suggesting, refuse to add to the negative.I remember hearing the story of when Jesus was asked why sat with the sinners, and not the righteous, Jesus answered
'I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'
I AM grateful for the times when I was negative; I gossiped and acted unkind,
there was always someone who cared enough to stick around and keep loving me.
to give oneself up, as into the power of another; submit or yield.
Many guru's (a fun definition of Guru... clue spell it out slowly G- gee U- you R- are U- you)
ok back to topic... advice from Guru's excuse your-self or refuse to associate with anyone
who talks negative about anyone or anything! Which of us have never spoken negative
participated in gossip, politics, relationship-related woes, work-related issues... you get it right?
Some friends have shared the did not like being around their parents/grandparents as they aged, because they became very negative about almost everything in life! I remember one motivational speaker actually said he only sees his mother on holidays and for a very short time due to her negativity. By looking for the good in all, practicing being positive, I have a question... refusing to associate with negative people at all are valuable chances to spread positive, share love, open or stay connected being ignored? I am NOT suggesting we surrender to and welcome being around it, engaging in it, or go looking for it, what I am suggesting, refuse to add to the negative.I remember hearing the story of when Jesus was asked why sat with the sinners, and not the righteous, Jesus answered
'I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'
I AM grateful for the times when I was negative; I gossiped and acted unkind,
there was always someone who cared enough to stick around and keep loving me.
Denise Marie
Friday, February 6, 2015
Thursday, February 5, 2015
One Thought Can Change My Day
On Tuesday, I listened and contributed to negative 'out-loud' conversation.
It was earlier in the morning... Yep; I was invited; I accepted; I contributed!
As the day went on more conversations of negativity took place most places I went,
... I admit I did accept some invitations!
Going to bed that night, in prayer as I surrendered thoughts and actions from the day,
I forgave ME... and asked for help...
God please walk beside me and
place your hand upon shoulder
letting me know I am never alone... and place the other hand upon my mouth!
Wednesday I when ever I thought a negative... I would close my eyes and
NO, not today, this is MY story My Life... If someone said something negative... I thought,
That is Their Story ... NOT mine, My Life is ALL Only Good!!!
Several times I actually felt a brightness! It is my truth...
one positive thought can improve your life...
One thought at a time! One day at a Time!
Welcome, Beautiful Thursday... I AM positive today is another Best Day Ever!
Denise Marie
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
When I Forgive I Receive
When I look at my life... I see ups and downs...
Resembling a heartbeat on a graph...
Yes, Thank You... I AM alive!
Every-time I grew, stretched, or had a break through...
I let go, went the flow all beginning with Forgiveness!
Releasing past hurts, pains and mis-understandings
allowing self love to guide me!
Forgiving others who wronged me
not because they deserve to be forgiven,
but because I do not want to keep paying
for another's wrong doing...
I love me enough to overcome any injustice!
Forgiving others,
it is 'me' that is lighter, brighter and able to love deeper
increasing the feeling of freedom and connection with self and others.
I AM worth it.
Denise Barone
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
A Message Came Through very C-l-e-a-r-l-y
A message came through very
She is clothed with strength and
she can laugh at the days to
Proverbs 31.25
Time has a wonderful way of showing us what matters!
No matter what I wear ... It is my faith that dresses my soul
I have been told that I do not take 'stuff' seriously enough!
Thanking a few as if were a compliment... Only upset them more!
Through humor, I plant positive seeds for my future!
Thank You God... for I AM knowing I AM Love!
Sunday, February 1, 2015
I AM Focusing on Today's not Yesterdays Promises
I AM focusing on today's truth not yesterdays promises.
Some people may not like me, what I say, or what I do.
This makes no 'real' difference to me... I like me!
It has taken many years for me to see me.
It is my life and my choices...
I love without conditions...
I forgive quickly...
I know God Loves Me and Forgives Me!
I Love Me and I Forgive Me!
It has taken many years for me to see me.
It is my life and my choices...
I love without conditions...
I forgive quickly...
I know God Loves Me and Forgives Me!
I Love Me and I Forgive Me!
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