Saturday, February 7, 2015


Surrender... One definition is...
to give oneself up, as into the power of another; submit or yield.
Many guru's (a fun definition of Guru... clue spell it out slowly G- gee U- you R- are U- you)
ok back to topic... advice from Guru's excuse your-self or refuse to associate with anyone 
who talks negative about anyone or anything! Which of us have never spoken negative
participated in gossip, politics, relationship-related woes, work-related issues... you get it right? 
Some friends have shared the did not like being around their parents/grandparents as they aged, because they became very negative about almost everything in life! I remember one motivational speaker actually said he only sees his mother on holidays and for a very short time due to her negativity. By looking for the good in all, practicing being positive, I have a question... refusing to associate with negative people at all are valuable chances to spread positive, share love, open or stay connected being ignored? I am NOT suggesting we surrender to and welcome being around it, engaging in it, or go looking for it, what I am suggesting, refuse to add to the negative.I remember hearing the story of when Jesus was asked why sat with the sinners, and not the righteous, Jesus answered 
'I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'
I AM grateful for the times when I was negative; I gossiped and acted unkind, 
there was always someone who cared enough to stick around and keep loving me.
Denise Marie

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