Monday, February 9, 2015

Mistakes or Lessons?

I have made  mistakes,
Maybe I stayed at jobs, in relationships or 
on the phone longer than I should have! 
Maybe, I have turned and walked away when 
Maybe, I should have kept going, full throttle ahead! 
Maybe I gave in when I should have stood my ground!
Maybe, I stood my ground when I should have given in!
Maybe, I spoke when my silence would have been best!
Maybe, I have stayed silent when my voice would have been better!
All of these mistakes have improved my life allowing growth!
I have forgiven myself and others
I choose to see 'mistakes' as lessons
knowing with love everything happens in perfect time!
I learned un learned and re learned what I needed!
Where I AM now is not where I planned to be! 
I know My Past has Nothing to do with My Future!

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