We all recognize 'other' people relationships from the outside that are
in need of repair... right? What I have learned; when 'Love' is first
rules, conditions, ego and need for control; are not a priority!
if you are with this person, if you are friends with that person,
if you eat or drink this, if you do anything that I disapprove of...
being told sometimes in words and other times with actions...
"I will with-hold love from you." They may refuse to talk to you, not invite you to occasions, UNTIL you meet their demands. Sometimes ego is so strong... one party or both will not allow healing, getting stuck in the past!
in need of repair... right? What I have learned; when 'Love' is first
rules, conditions, ego and need for control; are not a priority!
if you are with this person, if you are friends with that person,
if you eat or drink this, if you do anything that I disapprove of...
being told sometimes in words and other times with actions...
"I will with-hold love from you." They may refuse to talk to you, not invite you to occasions, UNTIL you meet their demands. Sometimes ego is so strong... one party or both will not allow healing, getting stuck in the past!
Being human we are pack creatures by nature, thriving on love, not wanting to 'rock the boat'and wanting to avoid conflict, we ignore our dreams, passions and desires, to stay in the 'pack!'Settling for someone else's idea of HOW we should live.
Believing there is no perfect 'choice!' For some living without the 'packs' approval unthinkable 'believing' they could not survive. Those people chose to bury their purpose and live supporting someone else's idea of life...
Then there is the ego assuming responsibilities for the happiness or hurt of others... and usually, there are plenty of victims to remind them they are the reason for their 'issues!
Another is the use of guilt or emotional blackmail...
The list goes on and on. Some of the ways some deal with 'staying with the pack' is living a somewhat double life, numbing self with alcohol, drugs or other addictions.
I am not saying it is easy to choose, I am saying I recognize some of these... I know some of these people, and I have been some of these people...
In the past...
I have fallen... it was... when I hit rock bottom... when I was broken ...
That is when I heard it ... it spoke volume ...'You Are Here To Love.'
Then there is the ego assuming responsibilities for the happiness or hurt of others... and usually, there are plenty of victims to remind them they are the reason for their 'issues!
Another is the use of guilt or emotional blackmail...
The list goes on and on. Some of the ways some deal with 'staying with the pack' is living a somewhat double life, numbing self with alcohol, drugs or other addictions.
I am not saying it is easy to choose, I am saying I recognize some of these... I know some of these people, and I have been some of these people...
In the past...
I have fallen... it was... when I hit rock bottom... when I was broken ...
That is when I heard it ... it spoke volume ...'You Are Here To Love.'
Whatever you are going through... keep going...
or rest in a moment... it is your choice!
or rest in a moment... it is your choice!
Listen and Trust Your Intuition... Remember Your Gift...Free Will!
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