Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Believe

When you tell me how you feel about something...

I may not agree with you...

I may not believe what you believe...

I may hope you change your ways of thinking...

I may even think you are not right...

I may never agree or believe as you do But...

I will stand next to you and your right to Believe! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Frogs and Snakes

When it rains as it is in South Florida right Now...

You can hear nature with the volume turned up!

One of the amplified sounds are frogs...

Reminding me ...


F forever
R rely
O on
G God!

Realizing when there are so many frogs...
There are visibly more snakes too...
feeding on them...Natures Balance
reminding me in Life there is a balance.
Metaphorically speaking ...
if frogs remind me of Faith
and snakes remind me of temptation.
Faith does not mean there is no temptation!
There are not more snakes in the rain...

There appears to be more (temptation) snakes...
When faith ( frogs) seems to also be abundantly in sight!


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Entry Journal Date 2-10-11

This is why having a journal is so rewarding : ) 

Entry date  Feb 2-10-11

It was a normal day ... I was sharing a conversation with someone I call friend...
If not for a common work place we may have never met...
We exchange greetings, share thoughts, sometimes vent, and above all we listen to each other...
On this day... my world became brighter !!!
She told me... I am paraphrasing ...
Just me being me...Just being there I added value and made the environment we shared a better place
At first I replied with a general yeah thanks ... I was playing small...
I was letting my feelings, pride, ego over power someone thoughts and words...
As life has patience with me... it gave me another chance ...
She again repeated her kindness with examples... 
her kindness and sincerity over powered my feeling of playing it small...
She was offering me a gift ... and I was not allowing her to give...
When I said ...and meant ...
Thank You and told her that was nice to hear...  
made my day...

Her smile was my second gift ♥

Reminding me that we are all connected ...  

our words truly have an impact on others...

When we speak and when we listen...

When We Receive  and When We Give ...

Circle of Life...

Monday, June 17, 2013


'Why' is still one of my favorite question ...
As a child ...'Because' was often the answer !
My father nick named me his 'Y' child... 
He came up with a thought provoking answer...
'Good question... I am not sure... 'Why' do YOU... 'Think?'  
Encouraging me to think... not just accept what I was told...
what I heard... or what I saw!

My children did ask me 'Why' ...
An example that came to mind ...
Mom 'Why' is the grass green?
I answered it would look really silly if it was orange huh? 
I loved the look on their faces as they imagined the grass orange!

As they grew... often they would tell me 'Why' ...
Encouraging me to use my imagination !

Now my grandson asks me... 'Why' actually he adds  'How Come?' 

NOW-A-Days we have Google, You tube, Yahoo and other sources to get information and opinions. : ) which I am happy to say gives soooo many answers it encourages us to really 'think' what it is we really believe and 'Why'... not to mention how it really stretches the imagination!

Sunday, June 16, 2013


I would rather trust you and be wrong

Then NOT trust you and be wrong!!! 

It is always my choice!!! 

Just as it is another's choice !!!

I believe...

If you trick me please do not be fooled in to thinking you are so slick...

Know that it is I who trusted you... Not you that tricked me!

Thank You daddy-o

I once wrote a letter to my dad on father's day...
He told me he would keep it forever in his memory...
Years later when he went home 
I found the letter with his other important papers...
It said...
Dear Daddy-o, Thank You for being my father and my best friend 
and Thank You for knowing the difference !!!
love your daughter 

It has been almost 25 years since he went home... 
I know he watches over me and my family : )

Thank You Daddy-o

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day....

A loving reminder that Father Time is always fair
Granting 24 hours in any one day to all that are living.
No matter...
How smart
How rich
How famous
No-thing can be said or done...
No amount of anything can be traded for more or less.

This energy is equally gifted to us all.

I love this law...

Enjoy your gift of time...

Today I give thanks to all the fathers in the world...
No judgment just thanks 
for any part they had in being a Father...
With out them we would not be here ♥