Friday, April 18, 2014

Tomato Soup

This is a story of a relationship between two people.
One named John, he loved tomato soup and when he would visit he always 
gave the other friend Mary a can of tomato soup.
Mary always said Thank You!
After awhile John began to noticed Mary did not seem very happy 
with his gift of a can of tomato soup.
So he gave her two cans of tomato soup, then three, then four
this seemed to only make Mary less happy.
John was feeling unappreciated and very frustrated, deciding 
to tell Mary exactly how he felt! 
He explains to Mary, I gave you all the tomato soup I had... 
every single can first one, then two, then three, then four, 
I have no more cans of tomato soup left to give, 
I have given it all to you every single last can... 
and still I feel you are not satisfied or happy... WHY? 
Mary answers, 
My dear John, I do not like tomato soup... I like chicken soup!

Treat others how they want to be treated...
Listen to how others want to be treated...
Take responsibility for your wants and needs...
let others know how you want to be treated!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Everyone offers a lesson

Every one I connect with today offers a lesson

I need only...

listen and allow the message to be heard!

look and alllow the message to be seen!

be open and allow the message to come
Some one is listening, looking and open to you!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Friends List

I have several received messages... on facebook
asking me to 'like' a posting 'if' I want to stay friends
a few others saying they are 'cleaning' up their friends list
and if I do not see any posting from them ... I was deleted!

I myself invite any form of connecting with others...
I sometimes discover I do not agree or want to be in continuous
contact with someone else... so I do not engage!

Trying not to judge... I am reminded... we all think differently...
I did once de-friend someone... was because of content
I do not believe he even noticed...

So if you de-friend me... it is ok... If you be-friend me it is ok...
This is social media : ) I AM Grateful
I have been introduced to many new experiences and insights.

I appreciate being connected : ) Thank You...

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Everyday Offers Blessings

Everyday offers blessings...

Everyday invites me to share in miracles...

I AM  open with my heart and my mind!

I willing except and participate in all with gratitude and love!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Keep Going

When you are down...

 no matter if you were pushed or you tripped

 Pick up your peace...
Get UP and keep going!

Monday, March 10, 2014

I AM Allowing

I AM allowing everything...
to flow and happen as it is meant to be!!!
I choose to walk in faith 
I continuously take action
I listen to my intuition even when it whispers!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

I AM Worthy

I Know I AM worthy of love
I Know I receive abundance in many forms
I AM Thankful for ALL that I have...
in the past
in the Now
and all that is on its way and waiting for me

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Love is the Connection

I believe people who act mean...
and get labeled as un-loveable
are those who need love the most
You cannot restore someone to their Connection with Source by belittling them or by punishing them, or by being disgusted with them.
It is only through love that you can return anyone to love.
And if you do not have a way of returning them to love, they will always be a problem to your society.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

As I look in the mirror ....

I see someone that is worthy

Take a look in your mirror,

really look and you will see pure love

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Forgiving is for-giving...

 Give yourself a loving life...

 Forgive everyone... including Yourself!!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Miracles are a Nature Way of Life

Miracles... are a natural way of life!

They are everywhere all the time!

I AM a receiver and I AM a giver...

I participate in the circle of Miracles

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Your Fairy Tale

Your life is a Fairy-tale
You are in it until...
The Happily Ever After!
You choose the character you want to be
and then just be!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Thank You

I AM thankful and grateful

Thank You for reading this

 Lets all spread some positive words

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday is the First Day of the Week

Sunday is the first day of the week...

Reminding me there is always something to see for the first time 

As long as this universe has been... it always offers and invites many firsts 

Take time today to really see the beauty 

If you do not see it at first... please look again 

you are over looking something! 

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Saturday, March 1, 2014

Life Choices

It is My Life...
I AM blessed to share it with many...
I AM loved... I AM happy...
My Life my choices...

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Now is a Good Time

Waiting until the time is just 'right'
You could get 'left' behind!

Now is a good time!

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

My Choice

When I loving release 'stuff'

I AM loving and powerful!!!

When I run from 'stuff'

I feel fear!

It is always my choice!

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Could it be... 
We are all butterflies and earth is our chrysalis ?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Good Morning World

Good Morning World 

Thank You for another day!

Sunday, February 23, 2014


I don't always have positive thoughts come to me
Sometimes I have to choose them

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Valentines Day Food for Thought

Yesterday was Valentines Day ...
I compare Valentines Day to a meal...
Some are on a diet or skipping meals
others are having only appetizers or snacks
while some are having full meals!

This is a choice and 'should' all be good!

I read and heard many different takes on this one day ....
The day that is about 'hearts' and 'love' ....

Some say it is a man made holiday and they refuse to 'buy' into it!
Others said it is NOT a real holiday and they would not recognize it!

Grocery stores lines were extra long with people buying flowers and/or chocolates.
One stop shopping chains had to call for 'help' in the jewelry department.

Restaurants had waits... liquors stores were noticeably busier.

I received texts, emails and phone calls saying
'Happy Valentines' Day...
Jim surprised me with a lot of extra 'gifts'
My Grandson made me a bow with a flower
and said Happy Valentines Day to everyone we passed on our walk!

A day that is all about 'hearts' and 'love' is a good day with me

I do not need Valentines Day to say 'I Love You' to anyone...
Yet it is a nice reminder and an awesome, feel good sight to see some doing just that
Everyone is entitled to their own feelings about this day...

Please what-ever you choose...
Let others make their own choice... It is one day

Friday, January 10, 2014


When my intuition speaks I listen.
In my life there have been times I 'misunderstood'
a better way to say it would be...
sometimes I thought I misunderstood!
In hindsight... the signs were just overlooked!

In time all-things work out for the 'good'!

Ego loves to be right...
we learn to avoid the embarrassment...of being 'wrong';
for lack of a better word... being a 'fool'.

When I do 'trust' someone, and the intention
becomes known and was not honest, it is the source
of dishonesty that is wrong and the fool, not 'I' or intuition.

Please do your due diligence, do your own research,
weigh the risk with the rewards
and listen to your intuition;
most of the time it whispers.

I would rather 'trust' someone and be wrong
Not trust someone and be wrong!

I love connect with people so trusting is a way
for me to have FUN, share love and grow!

The word  'trust'
starts with a '+' ends with a '+' and in between is... r-us !

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Me and We

Re-visiting the past... I smile : ) 
Reading journals and things I wrote 
I realized when I felt down
it was all about 'ME'
I realized when I felt up
 it was all about 'WE'