Friday, August 24, 2012

It's a Wonderful Life!

The difference between a rut and a grave ...

A grave ends at 6 feet a rut can go on forever...

When you realize you are in to a rut ...

View your situation in reverse!

Hearing it repeated often "Start with the end in mind'

easier said then done... Yet it is a very useful tool.

When I am in a rut... or in a funk as I call it!

I think in reverse...

my mental shovel to get out...

change direction!

When I feel as if I am stuck...

I realize that it is my mind set that changed...

something I once viewed as exciting has become boring

or even dreadfully unexciting...

I remember how and why I felt the passion that made it exciting...

then I ask what can I do to feel excitement again.

Do that something differently ... add change...

If it isn't broke... break it!

Take a new road... See it from a different view!

The classic movie "It's a Wonderful Life"

One persons  view of a short version...

The the bells rings... Clarence gets his wings!

Clarence's wants to be angel his desire was so strong

there had to be a man called George Bailey who learns

his self worth through the value he has given to many

in a town called Bedford Falls...

remembering the feeling of love that he had taken for granted,

Inspiring him to continue to make a 'better' difference !

After being in a rut...(he got bored...)

having thoughts of ending his life... (seeing only the negative)

Believing everyone's life would be 'better' 'if'

he had never been born! (in a funk of negative boredom)

Clarence and George together viewed how other's life could be

'if' George had never been born... (seeing the same thing differently)

Ring your own bell!!! Make some noise... inside your head!

Then take action... and keep on keeping on!

As long as you are alive... Choices and chances made life FUN!

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