Monday, August 27, 2012

There are 86,400 seconds in a day

Each day has 86,400 seconds in it!
No matter how much wealth or intelligence
you have or don't have...
Never more... never less!

We are practicing students and teachers
of positive growth... believing everyone
can improve... after all we have the same
amount of seconds in a day right?
What you do in those 86,400 seconds
That is what makes a difference!

On the subject of lifestyle
Money or lack of money does make
a difference in many choices we make.

The possibilities are endless!

Not all wealthy people started with wealth!
Not all people who started with wealth are wealthy!
Hollywood is a great place to validate that!

Seeing someone living on the streets,
someone addicted to alcohol or drugs,
begging for handouts...
questions come to mind ...
What happened ?
When they were a child and someone asked..
What do you want to be or do when you grow up?
Did they answer with...
I want to be homeless...
I want to beg for money...
I want to be addicted to alcohol or drugs...
I think not!
Even if they were never asked that question,
surely it was not a childhood fantasy.

Believing everyone does the best they can to survive...

We always give something to those asking for help...
Often it is a prayer, and healing thoughts.

Saying a Thank You... aware and grateful
for feelings of abundance and love.

We love this quote from Maya Angelou

"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive;
and to do so with some passion, some compassion,
some humor, and some style”

What a great way to spend 86,400 seconds a day!
Fully awake !!!

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