Monday, December 13, 2010

Being Great Helps Others Feel Greatness

What a great feeling when you met someone that is succeeding and it resonates within you.
As they share their journey of successes, trials and errors you feel as if you can succeed too. The universe gives clues ... Seeming as if you NOW have permission... to take control of you, you remember you have talents, abilities, your belief is greater. You must create a plan that gives you a healthy balance …  execute it … Take action … Get out there and make your world a better place … Helping others succeed along the way … Now that is purpose !!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Being real and having fun is like winning only better ♥

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yesterday 'was'... Today 'is' ... Tomorrow 'will' be !!! I love good surprises !!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I keep learning that one way of being happy is doing things for other people ♥ ♥ ♥ Every time I allow the lesson I share a blessing ♥ ♥ ♥

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We all have Great Possibilities with in us ... some people are just more aware and allow it to shine...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thanks-giving ... Thanks-receiving : ) to give one - must receive

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday.. The last day of a fabulous week... Have Fun ... Live well , Laugh often and Love more ♥ ♥ ♥ You are someone's hero or s'hero

Friday, August 13, 2010

I am grateful and thankful for all the blessings of today ♥
Amazing yes ~ always simple yes ... always easy no... LOL
What a good feeling I got reading your message : ) Thank You...

Congratulations on your launch and your connections with such a well establishment company and leaders...

I decided to mediate for guidance... after reading your message...

When we decided to step away from MLM, we began to recognize more of who we were not. Then stepping back into MLM... some of our friends having a mind set of less ... being fearful of not having enough... we witness who we do not want to be.

MLM is a way to make an extra income we both agree... It is not as lucrative as if was... and competition is greater... and people today can but natural products , lotions and potions NOW... touch it feel it etc...

You are both right on target with educational tools that offers help the affiliates... and now with social networking you have a huge audience...
Laughter is like shock absorbers ~ when your path is not so smooth...
You know that 'stuff' U think about everyday?That is the 'stuff'' you ask to be in your future~You are what you think about~Keep on asking

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Laughter is a spark from the soul ~ A jump start to having FUN...
Laughter is the spark of the soul”
It's Positively a beautiful day ♥ Begin with a positive Thought ♥ What you think~say & do will always come back to you ♥ Be the way today ♥
It's Positively a beautiful day ♥ Begin with a positive Thought ♥ What you think~say & do will always come back to you ♥ Be the way today ♥

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Today I dared and I struggled ...Tomorrow I will dare again and I shall win...
Turn of the lights... Pull down the shades... Let the rains come... No matter what I am still gonna shine... The light is from with in... it is a choice ♥ ♥ ♥
Above all else Have FUN today ... Smile... Laugh...Dance...Sing...Be Outrageous.. whatever it takes...Just do something FUN!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Accepting people as they are and not trying to change them does not mean you agree with them... It simply means you accept them as they are.
It is my belief that a real leader resist impulses to dominate others~ lifts others with examples~has good intent~and listens to others ♥

Monday, August 9, 2010

It is not important what you believe, It is important that you do believe.
You Ain't Different You Ain't Normal ♥ ♥ ♥ Do you agree?
It is my belief that people need to feel good about themselves~ I believe my purpose is sharing my light so they can see their light shine.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

What is more important than believing? Answer is "nothing"
All the strengths, values and insights you need already live in you ♥ ♥ ♥
Trust & Love yourself so that you trust & Love the wisdom that created you ♥ ♥ ♥
♪ Happy Birthday ♪ to my daughter Jaclyn Maire It was 26 years ago at 8:10 AM "she" chose to be born ♥

Saturday, August 7, 2010

There's no place that God is not.If this God-force is everywhere,then it must be in you.
Find the good~ it is everywhere~look for it~believe it~ you will see it~ a clue~start from with in~ display it~be a magnet~ attract it ♥
We all are leaders... We all lead by example, whether we intend to or not...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Feeling grateful & expressing it~ is like giving a gift & getting a gift at the same time ♥ You get what you give~It is The Law
If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed...
Self-worth comes from one thing - thinking that you are worthy~ Wayne Dyer

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Smile because you were in Today ... and you were part of history !!! ♥ ♥ ♥

The Past Year

This past year was a re-building year for us...

We did a lot of doing without and substituting this for that...

Expenses being the major influence. We "re"discovered many ways to save and also

discovered new ways to do without this for we could afford that...

We realized just how much we took for granted,

how many things we can really can do with out...

How much STUFF we really do not have to have...

We have been the receivers of blessings and lessons...

In this past year we have been re-introduced and reminded that wealth comes in many forms

With this Foundation and our Faith, it is simple, not always easy, to stay focused on our desired

out-comes. We wake up with excitement, we live each day with purpose, enjoy the NOW,

having enthusiasm for the future...

We have committed in writing specific steps to accomplish our goals ...

We review and adjust them on a periodic basis to ensure we are on course.

Similar to the flight of an airplane, arriving at its destination

after adjusting its course through out the journey.

Some of the things we "re" discovered and discovered...

Books, Books on CD's, Music CD's and DVD's are free to borrow from the local Library...

The have all the current and past issues of magazines. Readers are leaders !!

You can also download Books on to CD's right on your computer...

Home made syrup, soups, cookies, candy, cakes, bread, beef jerky

and ice cream really do taste good and even better when shared...

Playing cards is Fun... Talking is a great way to pass time...

Car rides are a good time for listening to Books on CD's and uplifting Music...

Beaches are FREE and come with Sunshine, Saltwater Sand and lots of Smiles...

Parks and picnics also FREE...

Beauty aids can be found in the kitchen...

Exercise is also FREE... swimming and walking to mention a few...

Unlimited minutes on cell phones is a GREAT way to connect ...

Information on any subject is available on the NET...

TV offers GREAT programs...History Channel, The Discovery Chanel

are a few ways to stimulate the mind...

History does repeat it self and knowing the past can direct your future.

When you give a smile you get one back...

Hugs are FREE ... Kindness is valuable...

Being Grateful before falling sleep gives you a more peaceful rest.

Waking up smiling at the face in the mirror with thankfulness and looking forward to the day.

We believe in giving and know it is amazing when you think you have nothing left to GIVE

that is when you must give it all... and when you do get the most back...

Thank You to all our friends and connections for your friendship...

We welcome the opportunity to connect with you...

Together all of us are greater than any one of us alone ♥

Jim & denise



I Remember The Way

It is my belief we are all students and teachers...

We learn from others and others learn from us...

We have heroes and s'heroes~ and we are heroes and s'heroes to others...

I sometimes wonder what I am here to learn and what I am here to teach?

What is the way I am suppose to be following or leading?

Then I simply smile... because it is not up to me who, how, or what ...

I remember my purpose is to love... it is the way
With in you is the power to do things you only dreamed possible.This power becomes available to you when you change your beliefs.
Forget what you've lost,take what you've got and create what you want. Thank You @George Fuchs
If your happy and you know... Show It ...Share it.... ahhh Feel it ♥♥♥
I know what I know & I know NOW is GREAT & this day is going to be awesome~knowing is Believing~Believing is Knowing~ I love knowledge♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Yep, Just started making some homemade pita bread ... and now to make some homemade hummus... ♥ ♥ ♥ yummmm!! love creating in the kitchen
The trick is in what one emphasizes.We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves happy.The amount of work is the same. Castaneda
Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time ♥ ♥ ♥
Today has 86,400 seconds "DO" something or "BE" part of something outrageous~ NOW that is FAIR take~ACTIONS~Have FUN~it's your LIFE~YEAH ♥

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sometimes a little foolishness now and then is a good thing...
Today I'm will be 1st~ to offer a hand in friendship 1st.~to smile~ to do the extra to make others feel good~1st with the face in the mirror
Today is a GREAT day The Best thing about social networking is all the people I get connected with~Its like magic and I am the magician
Today is a GREAT day The Best thing about social networking is all the people I get connected with~Its like magic and I am are the magician

Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2, 2010 ... What A Great DAY !!! What will you remember about it ?
What makes you smile?
You made a mistake ? Great that only can mean 1 thing YOU took a chance!!! Keep On Keeping ON !!! Go for it !!! You WILL get it RIGHT !!!
I'm Grateful for my Free WILL~I choose to be Happy~I walk with Faith~I Listen with my Heart & I Trust GOD's Plan for me ♥ I Will do my PART

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Prayer is when you talk to God~and ~Meditation is when you listen to God ♥ ♥ ♥
You are who you are today because of the actions you took yesterday ~ Got ideas ~Now ~ what about tomorrow

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Those who say it cannot be done....Please do not interrupt those doing it ~
A positive attitude is contagious ~ don’t wait to catch it from others ~ be a carrier!!! spread the joy ♥
What do you remember about Saturday's and growing up? Morning TV cartoons, getting up early was fun, Parents were home, chores, play time
Remember when you where so happy because of (_____) Fill in the blank~NOW revisit that time~anytime you want~Happiness is a state of mind

Friday, July 30, 2010

Dreams as if nothing else mattered... ♥♥♥

Thursday, June 24, 2010

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us ~Nelson Mandela said this ♥

Monday, June 21, 2010

Today I get a choice... I choose to be Happy and Grateful ... I choose it again and again ... over and over... ♥

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It is True ~ When GIVE you Truly RECEIVE ♥♥♥

When you are think you are so far behind ... that if you turned around you be first...

Find someone to "give" to...

A random act of kindness...

A smile...

A honest and kind word...

A hug...

A handshake...

Really listen without interrupting...

Say Thank yoU and mean it...

It is true ~ when GIVE you truly RECEIVE

You will be first in your own line...

You will feel Great !!!

The Attitude of Gratitude is Amazing ....

Thank yoU for giving to me ♥♥♥

Monday, June 7, 2010

To Be Average !!!

To be average !!!

Have you ever heard anyone say~ with excitement

Yeah !!! I want to achieve the award of "AVERAGE"

I just read an average book or just seen an average movie and I recommend it...

Did you hear the story about The Average White Shark...

How about ~ I love what I do it is just the average job I always dreamed of ...

Reach Stretch Grow ~ What ever you do ~ do it HUGE !!! Get excited !!! Be GREAT !!!


G get

R really

E excited

A about

T today

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Before You Speak

It is my belief that we all have said words we wish we could take back...

On that note...

While TV was in the background , I could heard a prepared/rehearsed speech.

I was not able to understand what the speaker was saying...

I understood the meaning of the was English, my native language.

I stopped what I was doing to give my undivided attention to the "speaker"

It was then I realized they were just "over" saying words...

As a friend of mine often says... Baffling with BS...

Then I realized ... The speaker was not communicating...

When speaker was asked questions...

No clear answers were given...

Sometimes when trying to avoid a subject ~ add words...

Sometimes when there is nothing to say ~ add words...

Sometimes the answer seemed rehearsed... not really making sense at all...

What ever happened to "Saying what you mean and meaning what you say"

After the speech there were a number of programs scheduled to

"explain" or give a personal opinion of what was just said...

The "professionals" could not even agree...

Before you speak or post think is it true~ is it kind ~ is it helpful~ will it improve the silence? : )

A smile can say a LOT : )

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A lesson about selling from buyers

I know a salesman ...


He works diligently , is informed and educated in his field

He can be very helpful and resourceful...

He is not the friendliest ...

Does not always smile...

Often in a bad mood...

Has been know to just walk away from a customer...

Does not profess or pretend to love his JOB...

Yet he is one of the top earners in a very competitive field~ has been for years...

That got me thinking...What is happening here...

What is it they like about him and why do they always came back...

So I asked questions and got answers...

A lesson about selling from buyers

Although he is sometimes blunt ~ He is honest... not phony

He does not push, pull, guilt, belittle or BS... he is up front... and honest...

He is sure of what he knows...

He is not a yes man...

I then said "I get it !!!"

He is authentic ... He is the real deal... He is himself...

People will buy~feel good and re buy from someone they believe is authentic and not just selling them.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy
you will have~Norman Vincent Peale ♥♥♥ passion

Friday, May 28, 2010

My Grandson 1st Move

My 4 year old Grandson often asks "Did you buy this for me and you to share?"

Like most children he loves to share everyone's "stuff" : )

One day his mother and I explained that a particular "thing" he was sure was a shared gift

was bought before he was born.

He asked what "Before he was born" meant

My daughter told him that when he was in her tummy growing, his Uncles bought it for me...

Explaining that is what before he was born meant...

Wanting to be sure ...he repeated " I lived in your tummy before I was born?'

My daughter answered Yes...

You can see his mind working as he says

" Before I was born I lived in your tummy?"

His mother said yes...all children live in their mommy's tummy before they are born..

He then says " Then I Moved right?"

We all smiled and said Yes ... Simple Wisdom...

Life is simple... not the same as easy : )

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Remember Rainbows

Someday's just are not as bright as others~when a dark cloud decides to appear~
positive self talk~and affirmations are valuable YET I have learned and KNOW~
that a breakthrough is on the way.
I love sunny days~ yet without rain nature could not blossom~
sometimes I sit & just watch the rain fall~
sometimes I let the rain kiss my face and mix with my tears~
sometimes I walk in the rain~
SOMEDAY'S I dance in the rain~
I notice someday's the sun is still sinning while it's raining ♥
Let us remember Rainbows ♥
blessings ††† denise

Saturday, April 17, 2010

We are in Key West ->google ->Banana Bay Key Wset Florida A lot like paradise ...
We are in Key West ->google ->Banana Bay Key Wset Florida A lot like paradise ...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Always aim at complete harmony of thought & word and deed~Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well~Gandhi said that

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

One miracle is ~ the more we share ~ the more we have...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Get happy about what yoU have Now and More will come !!!
Today we all get 84600 seconds to Live~Laugh & Love, That means Life is Fair !!! I believe it ~ know it Thank YoU ~
I love that it is easier to change what you believe~ than what you see.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fear less~Hope more ♥ Eat less~ Chew more ♥ Whine less~ Breathe more ♥ Talk less~Say more~Love more ♥ and all good things will be yours ♥

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sometimes when something GOOD is taken from us it is to allow room for something GREAT to come to us !!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win...Mahatma Gandhi
Beginnings can be fearful ~endings can be tearful ~it's everything in between that makes it all worth it ...
Happiness is something I decide on ahead of time...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Having a little faith it has been said will bring your soul to heaven ~ Having a great faith will bring heaven to your soul....
He who loses money, loses much~He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all...Eleanor Roosevelt
Having a little faith it has been said will bring your soul to heaven ~ Having a great faith will bring heaven to your soul....
He who loses money, loses much~He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all...Eleanor Roosevelt
Faith is believing ~when common sense tells you not to...
Faith is believing ~when common sense tells you not to...
For we walk by Faith , Not by sight ~ 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7
I have heard it said you can do limited things with faith, Yet I know you can do nothing without it....
Feed faith and fears will starve to death !!!
Each day is a gift~ as long as my eyes open~I choose to focus on the new day & all the happy memories & miracles I am blessed to witness...
Faith makes things possible, not easy : )

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Cast your cares on the Lord for He cares

Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010

March 25-th~Wednesday ~ ♥ ~ Today~A new day to begin~to start again~to create~I choose to see beauty~ SMILE~hear the music~SING & DANCE with LIFE~ LAUGHING making MEMORIES ~♥ ~ Thank yoU ♥

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Giving Starts the Cycle of Receiving

RAK Random Acts of Kindness...

Have You Ever
~ paid for the toll for the car behind you ?
~paid for someones dinner on the way out of a restaurant ~ that you do not know?
~paid for a family you did not know yet thought they had to save for that night out?
~paid for someone who you thought could could afford it ?
~paid for someones order at the drive through behind you who you did not know?
~leave a tip larger than your bill ?

Has anyone ever done this for you?

Do something for someone with the reward being feeling GREAT !!!

When you GIVE you start the cycle of receiving...

Thank You to all who GIVE

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Father Told Me Often

♥ My Father told me many times
♥ what he wished for his children...
♥was to feel and know they were truly loved by another
♥Loving someone is makes yoU feel GoOD!!!
♥Feeling truly loved by someone...not as easy... yet it also feels so GoOD!!!
♥His wish came true for me♥

♥I have children who have children ♥
♥this is the wish I wish for them♥

♥I wish this for ALL ♥

Loving others~

♥yoU may get hurt~
♥they may not love yoU back~
♥they may laugh at yoU~
♥They may deceive yoU~
♥They may use yoU~
♥They may not have deserving qualities~
♥ Love them anyway♥

♥Giving is GoOD it starts the chain of receiving ♥

♥ GOD is Life and Life is GoOD ♥