Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Home Movies

Home movies... as much fun as any major movie! 
Asking grandson if he like to see his uncles, his mom 
and his aunt at his age(7 yrs) and younger;
and see some relatives that he has never met? 
Deciding on the VRC recording first...
rewinding and fast forward were a blast from the past for me, 
completely new to grandson, reminding me of how much technology has improved!  
Seeing things from  25 years ago prompted questions... 
why do guys have on bikinis, what's a beeper, 
why is the phone so big, the best question of all... 
Nana why don't you cut your hair short and make it dark 
like it use to be, you would  look real young? : ) 
Loving this moment... embracing its beauty.
Realizing technology is awesome while it changes, 
and improves...so do we!
He now has the camera bug, 
he wants to create videos so when he has grandchildren 
he can show them how things were in the olden' days! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blue Bird of Happiness

This morning grandson and I off to get the Sunday newspaper spotting a blue jay, 
I got excited saying ... YES! look it is a blue bird of happiness! 
Grandson says matter of fact-ly... 'That is just silly superstition and I do not believe in it.' 
'me either' I replied...  the bird reminds me to be happy, it does not bring happiness... 
just reminds me that happiness is inside of me already!
Well, we got a free newspaper! 
He came home excited telling Grandpa Jim all about the 'lucky blue bird of happiness!' 
We went to a carnival, grandson won a prize at every game he played, 
and was allowed to go on the rides for free... without a wristband.
Top it off someone was giving away a remote control robot and dinosaur, 
 they live a only few miles. After receiving them... to put it in his own words...
'They are awesome' learning how to maneuver them, he had hours of entertainment and fun!
Asking this 7 year old what was his favorite part of the day... his answer ... 
The Lucky Blue Bird of happiness!
I believe he will always look at a blue jay from now on...knowing he is lucky and happy !

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

True Story about Ice Cream

Grandson was watching a cartoon...
and they were making homemade ice cream!

"Nana I want to make ice cream."

I reply; We don't have the ingredients,
or an ice cream maker, etc. He says we 
have almond milk, coffee creamer, sugar, ice and salt!
His excitement is exceeded only by his determination!

Thinking back to when my children were young,
we made ice cream without an ice cream maker.

Ok, we will try, not sure if it will work, but we will do it!

In a small mason jar we put almond milk, 
coffee creamer and sugar, placing on the lid!

Placing the  mason jar in a larger plastic container,
layer ice and salt. Placing a rubber band on 
the plastic container to assure lid stays on!

Wrap it in a towel, telling grandson roll it and shake it.

After about 10- 15 minutes we check it...

It was almost ice cream!

Sealing the plastic container again, the adding a little more ice and salt,
shaking and rolling for an additional 10 minutes.

Open it up... Ice Cream!

I ask grandson did we learn anything here?

He answers... I was right, You were wrong?

Yep... anything else I asked.

Yes, when you want something

just do it... it might work!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Inventions and Imagination

I love inventions,
I may not want them.
Some of them I do-not understand!

Every time I see something 'new'
I am reminded of how powerful thoughts are.

That invention was once a thought!
Imagination is important!

Our thoughts have power...
When we guide them...
We find our own power.
When we share them and 
work together
 'stuff' just naturally comes together!

Allow your thoughts to flow
Imagine what you can do!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Life and Lemons

When life gives you lemons... 
yep you make lemonade!

When the lemons are rotten ...

Taking the seeds from the lemon 
 grow a new lemon tree! 

In the end it is always good... 

when it is not good... 
it is not the end! 

Keep on Growing!

Friday, November 1, 2013

You Bring The Talent!

This Parable I remember from childhood.
It is moral story... shared by Jesus.
The talents in the story refers to the money system then.
Money is a value system, our personal value is our talent
and what we do with it makes a difference!

The Parable of the Talents
Again, it will be like a man going on a journey,
who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. 
To one he gave five talents of money,
to another two talents,
and to another one talent, each according to his ability. 
Then he went on his journey. 
The man who had received the five talents went at once
and put his money to work and gained five more. 
So also, the one with the two talents gained two more. 
But the man who had received the one talent went off,
dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money.
After a long time, the master of those servants returned
and settled accounts with them.
The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. 
“Master,” he said, “you entrusted me with five talents. 
See, I have gained five more.”
His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! 
You have been faithful with a few things;
I will put you in charge of many things. 
Come and share your master’s happiness!”
The man with the two talents also came. 
“Master,” he said, “you entrusted me with two talents;
see, I have gained two more.”
His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! 
You have been faithful with a few things;
I will put you in charge of many things. 
Come and share your master’s happiness!”
Then the man who had received the one talent came. 
“Master,” he said, “I knew that you are a hard man,
harvesting where you have not sown
and gathering where you have not scattered seed.
So I was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. 
See, here is what belongs to you.”
His master replied, “You wicked, lazy servant! 
So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown
and gather where I have not scattered seed?
Well then, you should have
put my money on deposit with the bankers,
so that when I returned
I would have received it back with interest.
“Take the talent from him
and give it to the one who has the ten talents.
For everyone who has will be given more,
and he will have an abundance. 
Whoever does not have,
even what he has will be taken from him. 
And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness,
where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
- Matthew 25:14-30 (NIV)

Some begin life with more, 10 talents
some begin with less, 5 talents
and begin with the least, 1 talent

We ALL have at least 1, and
we all are given 24 hours in a day to do something
with our God Given Talents, It is a matter of choice.
Take chances wisely!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Keep Adding to Your Dictionary

What does it mean to disprove something? 
The dictionary definition... to disprove to be false or wrong.

What does it mean to be impossible? 
The dictionary definition ... unable to be done or happen: not possible.
What is History?
The dictionary definition ... The study of past events.

When it comes to something not seen or heard of.
When we add the word 'Yet"
The word Yet... dictionary definition... until now: so far.
It changes all possibilities.

Unable to be done or happen YET: not possible YET!

History disproves how very false impossible really is.

example... I-phones
I remember being told 10 years ago 
that in the near future a person would be able 
have a hand held phone that could everything 
a computer could do. That we would be able 
to run a business from anywhere the world from our phone.
At that time cell phones were a pricey item and 
so was the air time. 
NOW, I have an I-phone and the cost was *free*
and our cell phone monthly bill is less than it was 10 years ago.

Going to the moon
Flat screen televisions
and that is just technology history.

Ultra sounds and surgery on an unborn child, 
Transplants and artificial body parts... Dick Cheney comes to mind.
The list goes on and on.

Keeping that in thought...

What in your history could you disprove...NOW?
What is it that you think is not possible...impossible?
the word impossible it self says I'm Possible !

Suggesting we keep rewriting our own dictionary
Newest definition of impossible is... not possible YET!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The View From With-In

When you are with people who think as you do,
there tends to be a agreeable and calm flow.

When you are with people who think differently than you do
there tends to be ripples and waves.

When you are with people who think differently than you
and try to change your thoughts, there tends to be crashing
waves, strong currents and storms.

Contrast and different view points are essential for growth.

Remaining open to others view points that are not the'same'
or do-not 'fit' in to your learned-definition can be challenging.

Arguing is a learned response,
not the same as standing for what you believe.

When we argue, we are speaking with a closed mind,
believing our way is the only 'right' way or the 'best' way.
Thinking that others just do-not 'see' it or 'get' it.
Closed minds can not grow, closed minds are the ego's friend.
When we stand for what we believe, we live our truth.

The next time you are invited to an argument,
remember it is your choice if you attend or not.
One way to gracefully decline a invitation

be open and 'just' listen. You may learn something.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

It is not all about You

Remembering a conversation I had with my father.

My father would say...
it was not all about you!

We were going somewhere and I was going to be late!
I said, I do not want to go anymore...
everyone will look at me because I am late.
My father had a way to make you really think!

So you think you are that important... and
everyone will notice you are not there...?
So when you get there everyone will stop...
and notice you are late?
WOW, you are that special, huh?

At times he would look at me,
reminding me... it was not about you!

I asked him why some of my siblings
did not remember some of these 'moments'
His answer...
It is not about you or what you say... it is what others hear!

Monday, October 28, 2013

It is Halloween Right?

"It is Halloween right?"
asked the child dressed as a Banana,
as we were waiting to go into the candy patch
"It is the Fall Festival Dear" answered the parent.
"Do I have to say Trick or Treat?" ask the banana
"This is not trick or treating, it is the candy patch,
you get candy to celebrate the fall and make it fun!"
Another parent waiting answers their children saying
 "It is Halloween and it was trick or treating."
The looks on the parents faces were pretty scary 
and they had no masks on !
A few parents were talking about an approved list of costumes
for the students who will be celebrating 'fall' at school.
Apparently some costumes are considered to be offensive to others.
I thought ...
 imitation was the sincerest form of flattery
 Halloween was about about dressing up,
imagination, creativity, fun and of course the candy!
If I believe in Halloween, and others do not... that is OK
I can and others do not have to
If I like mashed potatoes and others do not... that is OK
I can and others do not have to
I choose to celebrate Halloween
I choose attend Fall Festivals
I choose to enjoy it ALL
How did something so simple get so complex?
What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Birthday.. The 1st Word is Happy Right?

Happy Birthday!!! The 1st word is Happy... right?
With another birthday recently passing...
I took notice of how many people not only complain about getting 'old'
But how many 'young people' complain about their 'old age'...
Young adults almost 40!
Younger adults almost 30!

Just ask a child how old they are...
They get excited about the age they are NOW,  
and the age they will be their next birthday!

Does this excitement have to change?
For me at least there is every reason to celebrate 
Aging is a gift... not given to everyone!

Oh it is easy to be happy when you are a child, 
you have your health!
Not always the case! 

When you are a kid, you do not have any responsibilities!
You also do not  have all the freedoms that an adult has!

I believe we create our mindset!
If you believe, you are old, you are...
no matter what age you are!
If you believe, you are young, you are...
no matter what age you are!

It seems as if some have decided that the best years are behind them!

It is really a matter of choice!

I choose to celebrate every year of my earth walk...

welcoming the changes that come with the gift!

Sure we change... how boring would life be if everything stayed the same?

Just my mindset!


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Duck Tape Moment!

Sometimes the same words have completely different meaning...
it all depends how you view it... Be open and flexible and you will have more FUN!

My 7 year old grandson is always inventing, experimenting, proving or busting myths and taught practices... I love his curiosity and how his mind is constantly living in the moment! I welcome and encourage his regular invitations to 'try' this and 'try' that!

Lets make a duck tape wallet... he says with a complete vision of exactly what it will look like... in his mind! Explaining to him we need to start with a paper wallet then cover it with duck tape...This is was not in his 'plan' ... after I tell him it is just a pattern he agrees... wella... a duck tape wallet... perfect and complete! He immediately smiles and has another idea, "Lets make a paper gun and cover it with duck tape!" I tell him, it would be non functional... he tells me, "I know... I want to hang it on the wall!"  I agree and say, ok, then after this no more for now, duck tape is about $8.00 a roll and we may need it for other things. In his completely confident and knowing voice says, "Really, WOW... only $8.00 and we used some already before we made a wallet, and a gun, and have all this left for other things, wow duck tape is an amazing deal... very inexpensive... only $8.00, WOW now that is a good deal!"
I said yes it is... yes it is ! 
Thank You... my grandson for re-enlightening me, reminding me to think about side of the box, reminding me that life is suppose to be about having fun! 

Yes I said duck tape... and not duct tape... it is what we call it 
Fascinating facts about the invention of Duct Tape by Johnson & Johnson Co. in 1942. DUCT TAPE
Adhesive tape (specifically masking tape) was invented in the 1920's by Richard Drew of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, Co. (3M). Duct tape (the WWII military version) was first created and manufactured in 1942 (approximate date) by the Johnson and Johnson Permacel Division. Its closest predecessor was medical tape.
The original use was to keep moisture out of the ammunition cases. Because it was waterproof, people referred to the tape as "Duck Tape." Also, the tape was made using cotton duck - similar to what was used in their cloth medical tapes. Military personnel quickly discovered that the tape was very versatile and used it to fix their guns, jeeps, aircraft, etc. After the war, the tape was used in the booming housing industry to connect heating and air conditioning duct work together.
Soon, the color was changed from Army green to silver to match the ductwork and people started to refer to duck tape as "Duct Tape." Things changed during the 1970s, when the partners at Manco, Inc. placed rolls of duct tape in shrink wrap, making it easier for retailers to stack the sticky rolls. Different grades and colors of duct tape weren´t far behind. Soon, duct tape became the most versatile tool in the household. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Learning How to Think not What to Think


Learning How to Think not What to Think
As a child I was told by my father there was no such thing as a stupid question...
He later would shake his head.. smile or laugh.... because I asked about everything...
I earned the name of his 'why' child!

This belief I carried into my school years. My teachers were not as open minded as my father!
An example was during religious class I questioned what the teacher/nun was teaching... she told me in front of the entire class that I was disrespectful and I was to stay after class. After class she did not answer my question repeating that I was disrespectful and a bad girl which was the same as a sinner.

I did not understand, if I did not understand something I could not question it!

This happened a lot in my religious education. I remember being taught about  'confession' being told what to say...question... what if I felt I had not done anything to be forgiven for...  that was not acceptable. So I thought... and came up with the plan...to make something up... yep, I was going to tell a lie and the following week I have something to confess...(that I lied at confession)... How silly ...  another question... why did  I have to go to confession, could I just ask God forgiveness myself. After a look of shear frustration and shock on the teachers/nuns face, I was told that was a sin to even think like that.

Can you imagine the questions I had when they taught...' if you think it you are as guilty as doing it!' prompting... 'if I think good things do I credit' ... Hummm I was not what they would call a model student.

I don't know when I discovered that the whole world was not of the same religious belief, but it was enlightening to me. I was invited by neighbors to go to churches of different beliefs doing activities, this was very enlightening to me. I did not understand if there is only one God... then why did some preach any belief different was wrong!

Thank goodness for my granny... she would tell me that all religious rules were made man ... That God wanted us to love each other not judge each other and certainly not hurt each other in anyway physically or verbally ! Her father was a Baptist minister, she would often share stories of how 'people of the cloth' were just people!

I am not a religious person... I respect those who are!
I AM a spiritual believer... by choice learning How to think not What to think!


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I Believe

When you tell me how you feel about something...

I may not agree with you...

I may not believe what you believe...

I may hope you change your ways of thinking...

I may even think you are not right...

I may never agree or believe as you do But...

I will stand next to you and your right to Believe! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Frogs and Snakes

When it rains as it is in South Florida right Now...

You can hear nature with the volume turned up!

One of the amplified sounds are frogs...

Reminding me ...


F forever
R rely
O on
G God!

Realizing when there are so many frogs...
There are visibly more snakes too...
feeding on them...Natures Balance
reminding me in Life there is a balance.
Metaphorically speaking ...
if frogs remind me of Faith
and snakes remind me of temptation.
Faith does not mean there is no temptation!
There are not more snakes in the rain...

There appears to be more (temptation) snakes...
When faith ( frogs) seems to also be abundantly in sight!


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Entry Journal Date 2-10-11

This is why having a journal is so rewarding : ) 

Entry date  Feb 2-10-11

It was a normal day ... I was sharing a conversation with someone I call friend...
If not for a common work place we may have never met...
We exchange greetings, share thoughts, sometimes vent, and above all we listen to each other...
On this day... my world became brighter !!!
She told me... I am paraphrasing ...
Just me being me...Just being there I added value and made the environment we shared a better place
At first I replied with a general yeah thanks ... I was playing small...
I was letting my feelings, pride, ego over power someone thoughts and words...
As life has patience with me... it gave me another chance ...
She again repeated her kindness with examples... 
her kindness and sincerity over powered my feeling of playing it small...
She was offering me a gift ... and I was not allowing her to give...
When I said ...and meant ...
Thank You and told her that was nice to hear...  
made my day...

Her smile was my second gift ♥

Reminding me that we are all connected ...  

our words truly have an impact on others...

When we speak and when we listen...

When We Receive  and When We Give ...

Circle of Life...

Monday, June 17, 2013


'Why' is still one of my favorite question ...
As a child ...'Because' was often the answer !
My father nick named me his 'Y' child... 
He came up with a thought provoking answer...
'Good question... I am not sure... 'Why' do YOU... 'Think?'  
Encouraging me to think... not just accept what I was told...
what I heard... or what I saw!

My children did ask me 'Why' ...
An example that came to mind ...
Mom 'Why' is the grass green?
I answered it would look really silly if it was orange huh? 
I loved the look on their faces as they imagined the grass orange!

As they grew... often they would tell me 'Why' ...
Encouraging me to use my imagination !

Now my grandson asks me... 'Why' actually he adds  'How Come?' 

NOW-A-Days we have Google, You tube, Yahoo and other sources to get information and opinions. : ) which I am happy to say gives soooo many answers it encourages us to really 'think' what it is we really believe and 'Why'... not to mention how it really stretches the imagination!

Sunday, June 16, 2013


I would rather trust you and be wrong

Then NOT trust you and be wrong!!! 

It is always my choice!!! 

Just as it is another's choice !!!

I believe...

If you trick me please do not be fooled in to thinking you are so slick...

Know that it is I who trusted you... Not you that tricked me!

Thank You daddy-o

I once wrote a letter to my dad on father's day...
He told me he would keep it forever in his memory...
Years later when he went home 
I found the letter with his other important papers...
It said...
Dear Daddy-o, Thank You for being my father and my best friend 
and Thank You for knowing the difference !!!
love your daughter 

It has been almost 25 years since he went home... 
I know he watches over me and my family : )

Thank You Daddy-o

Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day....

A loving reminder that Father Time is always fair
Granting 24 hours in any one day to all that are living.
No matter...
How smart
How rich
How famous
No-thing can be said or done...
No amount of anything can be traded for more or less.

This energy is equally gifted to us all.

I love this law...

Enjoy your gift of time...

Today I give thanks to all the fathers in the world...
No judgment just thanks 
for any part they had in being a Father...
With out them we would not be here ♥

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Good Leaders Listen

During a discussion with a self proclaimed leader we realized the person was actually Lecturing us and lacked the the Skill of Listening. Repeatedly commenting on their accomplishments and never once asked our 'Whys, Whats, Our Interests or Back Grounds'. When we did get a few words in it seemed as if it was repeated back to us, only to 'toot' their own horn again by explain 'how' they had a similar experience only one of more importance or value. I started to think about other leaders we knew, how many were actually more of a 'Speaker' than a Leader!

 'Leaders create leaders not followers'

We have attended many seminars and lectures, where the speaker or speakers lecture to many. We always received value some times more than others yet always something of value. No matter how exciting the  subject was at some point everyone drifts away... it is human nature! This could be a reason why interaction is often encouraged and scheduled breaks are taken.

There are many coaching and mentoring programs available. There are even courses you can take and become  'certified'. We are not criticizing speakers we are saying there is a difference! We are selves are guilty for talking more than listening.

Question... Do you learn more when you are talking or listening?
Answer... You learn the most when you are engaging in conversation.

Speakers are often entertainers ... a much needed and appreciated form of talent!
Often speakers, coaches or mentors tell you what to do in order to reach a desired outcome!
Leaders do not tell you what to think...they guide and encourage you to think!

You have one Mouth and two Ears for a reason!

Lessons we received from this is...
We know what we know ... We are passionate and want to share it with others!
A way to grow and learn more is to listen more!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Go Fishing Catch A Lesson!!!

My grandson Lucas, was excited to go fishing. With a goal of catching enough fish that Nana could make a buffet of fish dishes. We were going to the pier and we were going to rent an ocean pole, that was the plan! While having fun with a few nibbles and with one that got away, we could not help to notice a man who was catching a lot of fish, there were people on each side of him, yet only he was catching fish; he even hooked a crab, entertaining everyone as it hurried side-ways across the wooden pier, rising up challenging the man who caught him. When this man caught another fish, I took my grandson by the hand asking him if he would like to go see it up close, YES! Was his response? The man spoke broken English asking Lucas if would like this fish? My grandson did not understand him, smiling, he said 'Thank you for showing me your fish" and we went back to continuing fishing; Grandpa was minding the pole. Within minutes, the man caught another fish! Lucas asked me go see the fish?" YES! I responded; the man spoke slower repeating. "Do you want this fish?" My grandson lit up with smile and a 'Yes! Thank You" Placing the fish the cooler he brought for the goal of many fish... he was and excited! This man continued to be the only one catching fish! I noticed a man go to the bait and tackle shop to duplicate the type of line the 'lucky' fisherman was casting with; others would cast in the spot when he would move to take the fist and place it in his cooler of fish, but no one else was catching fish! After a few hours deciding it was time to head home. Lucas was excited about cleaning his first fish!!! We still had plenty of bait left, Grandpa suggested we give it to the man who gave us the fish! Lucas lit up agreeing he took the bag of shrimp over saying to the man "I want to give this to you, and thank you for the fish" The man did not really understand his words, replying with "This is for me; you give this to me?" Lucas answering " Yes, Thank You Buddy for my fish"
Lucas had been talking for days about cleaning his first fish with Grandpa and helping Nana cook it! As we were leaving there was a conservationist that asked us to take a brief survey, afterwards we asked him if the fish we had was a good to eat, his answer was... YES! It was a short drive home... a reminder of how good life is! Lucas was grateful and repeated how lucky he was and how nice the man was him his fish! We began to talk about how great being nice feels; the man gave away a fish, and we received a fish. Then we gave him some our bait, how good it felt to give him something and how happy he was to receive it. As we talked, I told Lucas I believebelieved the reason the man caught so many fish was more to do with his attitude than with his pole, his tackle and bait and the spot he was in. The man was happy and truly was enjoying every moment of fishing. My grandson is intelligent, and we often comment on his engineer brain, when opportunities present them self to express an un-engineer brain ...I welcome it as well as enjoy it!
The fish was too small to remove the bones, so fish stew it was going to be! The house smelled delicious from all the herbs and spices simmering. The fish was too boney so we did not to eat it... yet the food for thought and great conversation was simple delicious! Thank You